Reborn After Widowhood

Reborn After Widowhood – Chapter 79

Chapter 79


Although Hua Yang didn’t really go on a horse ride, her waist and legs were probably more sore than if she had been riding a horse for an hour.

After the bath, Chen Jingzong took her back to the bed.

He was not in a hurry to go to sleep, so he sat on the edge of the bed and looked at her softly lying there, like a peony that had been over-moistened by nectar, lying soft and boneless on the ground.

Hua Yang’s body was weak, but she was not sleepy. She glanced at him and said, “Turn off the lights.”

Chen Jingzong: “Are you sleepy?”

Hua Yang: “I’m too lazy to look at you.”

Chen Jingzong: “I won’t let you look.”

Hua Yang turned around with thin quilt in her arms, leaving only her back.

Chen Jingzong paused, went to turn off the light, then lay down on the bed, hugged her from behind, and said in her ear: “You are too delicate, and you always rush me to end it hastily. How about I teach you to practice martial arts and build up the strength in your arms and legs. Not only you can finish with me, but you will also strengthen your body, and you won’t need me to carry you on my back every time we climb the mountain in the future.”

Hua Yang: “Shut up.”

Chen Jingzong bit the tip of her ear.

Hua Yang was afraid that he would want to do it again, so she pushed his head away, distanced herself and asked, “Where did you take them to play this afternoon?”

Chen Jingzong: “Even if you want to divert my attention, can you change it to something I want to talk about?”

Hua Yang: “What do you want to talk about?”

Chen Jingzong was silent.

Hua Yang guessed that he was holding back some nonsense, and immediately said: “I promised my brother that I would take him out of the palace for a day when the weather gets cooler, but I have never really visited the capital, so I asked you what are the good places to go. ”

She went to Lingzhou three months after marrying Chen Jingzong. After returning to the capital, it was a hot summer season. She was also waiting for the weather to get cooler before going out to visit this city that had witnessed her birth and growth but she was still unfamiliar with.

The crown prince’s departure from the palace was a big event. Chen Jingzong put away his colorful thoughts and said: “Dalang, Erlang and the others are still young and like to join in the fun. I don’t need to arrange anything and just follow them wherever they go. The Crown Prince is twelve after all. I’m sure the things he likes are different from them.”

Hua Yang: “I don’t think it’s different. He likes lively thing too, including me. We just want to see things that’s not available in the palace.”

Chen Jingzong: “Then let’s go to Qianmen Street. There is everything to eat, drink and have fun there. The closer it is to a holiday, the more variety there is. There are often monkey performers and magicians. But there are too many people. If someone bumps into the Crown Prince…”

Hua Yang: “You and Zhou Ji will protect us closely. My brother will definitely bring guards with him, and arrange them some distance away from us. There should be no serious problems under the emperor’s feet.”

Chen Jingzong: “This burden is too heavy. If anything goes wrong, not to mention that my identity as Prince Consort may not be preserved. Even the old man may have to resign and beg for forgiveness.”

Hua Yang: “Then you stay at home, and we, brother and sister, will go play by ourselves.”

Chen Jingzong held her in his arms, kissed her face and said, “No, I’d better go. If there’s really an accident, I can still stand in front of you.”

Not entirely serious but with a hit of seriousness, Hua Yang snorted and warned him: “It’s okay if you talk nonsense in front of me. I can’t control it and I don’t care to bother anymore. But when my brother is around, you’d better watch your mouth, not everyone is as good-tempered as me.”

Chen Jingzong: “Well, you have the best temper.”

Hua Yang:……

Why did it sound a bit insincere?


The end of the month was a rest day. On the morning of the 29th, Hua Yang entered the palace first.

The crown prince was still studying, so Hua Yang came to Fengyi Palace to accompany her mother. Emperor Jingshun also came to sit for a while, and then left due to political affairs.

“Mom, how is Father Emperor’s health lately?” Hua Yang asked with concern after sending away the palace maids.

Empress Qi looked at her daughter with a smile: “It’s good. Didn’t you see it just now? Why do you suddenly ask this? Could it be that you heard something outside?”

Hua Yang shook her head: “No, I just always feel that Father Emperor seems to be in low spirit.”

Empress Qi still had the same smile: “As an emperor, it is inevitable to worry about the country affairs day and night.”

To her daughter, she could only say this.

The fact is, all the emperor’s good spirit was spent at night, and of course he looked listless during the day. But she should not mention this matter, even to her children.

Hua Yang looked at the tea in her cup.

The same was true for her father emperor in her previous life. He looked lethargic, but he didn’t have any serious health problems that could be fatal. There were so many imperial doctors in the palace surrounding father emperor. If there was a serious cause, they would have been aware of it long ago.

Therefore, when the bad news of her father’s death suddenly came from the palace, Hua Yang was really unprepared. She rushed to the palace in tears, and after asking her mother repeatedly, she learned that her father died in the bed of a newly favored concubine, which was actually what people often called “dying on the saddle“.

A normal man would unlikely to meet this kind of disease, but her father was already weak and he took medicine randomly, so he actually suffered this accident.

As a daughter, Hua Yang certainly hoped that her father would give up his licentious habits. She could find a way to persuade her father-in-law to stop teaching the crown prince so harshly, but when it came to the matter of sexual relationship, especially to her own father, she couldn’t find reason to persuade her father emperor.

The most suitable person to persuade him was mother empress.

“Mom, Daughter is already married, can somehow guessed the reason for Father Emperor’s weak body. It’s difficult for Daughter to speak directly to Father Emperor, but can’t you find a way to control him?”

Hua Yang lowered her head and whispered.

She understood that mother empress also had difficulties, but it was related to her father emperor’s dragon body. Hua Yang could only place her hope in her mother.

Empress Qi looked at her daughter and said with a smile: “Panpan is married, but you’re still as innocent as a child. Mom is an Empress, in a sense my status is more noble than you, this princess. But comparing the marital relationship, being a princess is much easier than being an empress. If Prince Consort dares to make you feel wronged, you can punish him yourself, or you can go to the palace to ask your Father Emperor and Mother Empress to call the shots. But for Mom, if Mom dares to interfere too much in your Father Emperor’s affairs, the empress’ position may be replaced.”

Hua Yang quickly hugged her mother and rubbed her face on her shoulder: “Mom, don’t be angry, Daughter understands. It’s just if one day Father Emperor is in a good mood, can you try to persuade him?”

Empress Qi touched her daughter’s head: “How do you know that Mom has not persuaded him? It has been more than twenty years since Mom came to the palace. It’s impossible to persuade every day, but whenever there’s an opportunity, Mom will persuade him once or twice a year. After persuading, it may work for two to three days, but it didn’t take long for him to return to his old ways. In the past, Mom was young and beautiful, but now Mom has started to grow old, and there are always beauties in the palace. No matter how much control Mother has, how much patience can your Father Emperor have? ”

Hua Yang lowered her eyelashes, feeling sorry for her mother and worried about her father’s health.

Empress Qi couldn’t bear to see her daughter’s sad face, and gently pinched her face: “Silly child. Your Father Emperor is just a little weak, but his dragon body is still strong. If you want to worry about him, wait until he passes his sixtieth birthday, it’s really too early now.”

What else could Hua Yang say?

There was no way for mother empress to go, and she couldn’t think of other way to persuade her father to quit sex.

She was able to successfully trick Chen Jingzong into searching Qi shi‘s account books using the dream of the Chen family’s old lady, firstly because the flood really happened, and secondly because she was a princess and could suppress Chen Jingzong and urge him to seize the account books.

But for her father emperor, from now to next Fifth Month, there would be no major thing happen like a flood that could be used as evidence of the ancestor’s spiritual manifestation. There might be some droughts and floods in various places, but they were not serious enough for Hua Yang to remember clearly the date. If she just ran to tell her father, saying that she had a dream that he would die while having sex with his beloved concubine, even if Hua Yang could open her mouth, her father wouldn’t believe it.

Hua Yang could only think of two ways to directly resolve the death of her father in her previous life. As long as her father could avoid dying on the saddle that night, he might be able to live for ten more years or even longer.

“Let’s not talk about your Father Emperor, how about you and Prince Consort?”

Empress Qi suddenly spoke, pulling her daughter back from her thoughts.

Hua Yang blinked: “How what?”

Empress Qi looked at her daughter’s belly: “You have been out of mourning since the First Month of last year, why is there still no movement? Could it be that you don’t like Prince Consort to sleep with you?”

A daughter could care about her father doting on his concubine, and Empress Qi could also care about her daughter doting on her Prince Consort.

Hua Yang knew that she had unintentionally given her mother an opportunity to tease her, and she replied with a slightly embarrassed expression, “Well, it’s, it’s alright. I’m still young, and there’s no rush for me to become a mother.”

Empress Qi: “You are already twenty, how can it still be young?”

Hua Yang acted coquettishly: “Didn’t you just say that I am still as innocent as a child? I am still young at heart.”

Empress Qi shook her head, then frowned: “Are you still taking the Bizi pill?”

It didn’t matter if her daughter was not in a hurry to have a baby. Anyway, her daughter was a princess, and if she was not willing to open up branches for the Chen family in this life, the Chen family couldn’t say anything. At most, Prince Consort would be unhappy and affect the relationship between the couple.

But Empress Qi was worried that her daughter would take pills indiscriminately because she didn’t want to have a baby, which would damage her body. The pills were also available outside the palace, and her daughter had her own way to find them.

Hua Yang: “No, medicine is three parts poison. Daughter is not stupid.”

Empress Qi: “Then how do you prevent pregnancy?”

Hua Yang couldn’t sell out her aunt, so she blushed and said, “I, I don’t allow him to stay inside.”

Empress Qi understood. Looking at her daughter’s delicate and bright face, she felt that Chen Jingzong had picked up a big bargain. If it weren’t for Cabinet Elder Chen, she would have never casually married her daughter to a young man who grew up in Lingzhou.

Since Chen Jingzong had gained so many benefits, it was appropriate for him to obey her daughter’s requests in the bedroom. There was nothing to feel aggrieved about.


At dusk, the crown prince came to Fengyi Palace to find his sister after class.

It was already late, Hua Yang said: “Father Emperor, Mom, I will take my brother out of the palace first. I asked Feng gonggong to prepare a table of Lingzhou delicacies, specially waiting to entertain my brother.”

Emperor Jingshun was a little envious of his son. He also wanted to be a guest at his daughter’s princess mansion.

Empress Qi looked serious and told her son to listen to his sister, and then told her daughter not to blindly condone her brother’s unreasonable demands.

The two siblings complied obediently.

Empress Qi: “At this time tomorrow, you must return to the palace.”

The two siblings agreed again. After making sure that their mother had nothing else to say, they left then turned to look at each other, with smiles on their faces.

Outside the imperial city. Chen Jingzong deliberately returned to the city early today in order to welcome the crown prince.

He stood in front of the princess’s carriage, and behind the carriage, Zhou Ji led a hundred guards from the princess mansion to stand by. Emperor Jingshun also assigned a hundred guards to follow the crown prince.

The two siblings each sat on a sedan chair and came out swaying.

Chen Jingzong stepped forward and saluted.

After returning to the city, he first went to Chen Mansion to take a bath before coming here. Now he was wearing the Prince Consort’s official uniform, a crimson round-collar robe embroidered qilin patches. Standing alone in front of two hundred guards, he looked handsome and tall, his appearance was outstanding.

The crown prince looked at him several times and then followed his sister into the carriage.

Chen Jingzong got on his horse and followed the carriage with a solemn expression.

The crown prince looked at him through the gap in the curtain, turned around and asked, “Sister, do you like him?”

Having experienced the past life, Hua Yang was afraid that her brother would hate the Chen family for anything. Hearing this, she smiled and said softly: “Like. Just because he can carry me on his back to the top of the mountain to watch the sunrise, Sister is very satisfied with him.”

The crown prince originally wanted to ask if prince consort was good to his sister, but after hearing this, there was no need to ask.

He recalled the letter he received from his sister that year, saying how strong and powerful the prince consort was when he carried her to the mountain to avoid floods. In order to test whether the military attache was really that strong, the crown prince ordered a palace guard to carry him up the rockery in the imperial garden. The rockery was not high, so he ordered him to climb back and forth a few times, but the guard was soon sweating and panting. Although the guard did not dare to complain, the crown prince was very disappointed with him.

The princess mansion was very close to the imperial city. After the carriage stopped, the maid opened the curtain.

The crown prince’s chief eunuch, Cao Li, hurriedly came to help the crown prince.

The crown prince saw the prince consort standing by the side and said, “Prince Consort, you help me.”

Cao Li was stunned. With this condescending look and tone, was the crown prince trying to assert his dominance on prince consort?

Chen Jingzong didn’t think much of it. He directly put his hands on the crown prince’s armpits and easily lifted the person down.

Crown Prince:……

It seems like flying a small circle in the sky!

If only his eunuch was as strong as prince consort!

The author has something to say:

Crown Prince: When my sister divorce you, come and be my best companion!

Old Four: ….

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