Thousand Verdant Mountains

Thousand Verdant Mountains – Chapter 5

Chapter 5


There weren’t many people in the county governor mansion, and it was even quieter in the early morning. Xuyu was walking on the way to Pei Ji’s study when she suddenly saw two young men turning out from the corner of the corridor leading to the main gate. One was wearing a dusk brown robe, and the other was wearing a grape purple robe. The two walked side by side, talking, and seemed to be leaving the mansion.

“It’s Master Pei!” Zhu’er, who followed behind, called out softly.

“The one wearing the brown robe is Master Pei!” The maid was afraid that she had mistaken him, so she added another sentence in her ear.

“…Uncle He and I will take you out tomorrow. Uncle He will take you out of Ganliang, but I won’t send you far. If you need anything on the way, just tell me today.”

“Just now Lord Pei said that if I’m not in a hurry, why not stay a few more days!”

“This place is poor and far inferior to Chang’an. Besides, you have important matters to attend to, don’t forget your father’s instructions.”

The sound of two people talking in the corridor drifted over. Xuyu stopped and planned to wait until the two people on the opposite side passed before moving on.

Chengping smiled and blocked Pei Xiaoyuan’s way with his arms outstretched. “Pei Er, what do you mean by this? Why it seems like you can’t wait to drive me away today?”

Pei Xiaoyuan walked past without stopping: “Nonsense!”

Chengping laughed even harder, looking around: “Where does she live? It’s fine if you don’t let me meet her. At most, my sister-in-law will blame me for being rude in the future. Separate by a wall but pretend to be deaf and dumb, I will bear this consequence. But you are different. You really don’t want to see what she looks like at all?”

Pei Xiaoyuan ignored him and continued walking out.

“Why are you walking so fast? Are you afraid of meeting someone? I didn’t believe it last night, but this morning, it seems to be true. If you hadn’t reluctantly agreed to the marriage, how could you not care about what the woman looks like? She is the one who will share the bed with you in the future–”

Pei Xiaoyuan suddenly stopped, which scared Chengping. He stopped at the end of the corridor with a gloomy face, called his real name, and said in a low voice: “A Suan’er! This is the last time! If you talk nonsense again, don’t blame me for being angry.”

Seeing this, Chengping quickly stopped joking and waved his hand, “Forget it, forget it, if you don’t want to see then don’t see. I, an idle person, am more concerned about it than you, the person involved! Let’s go! Let’s try our luck today and see if we can shoot a purple fox. The mink tail on my quiver was worn out a few days ago and a piece is missing. I need to replace it as soon as possible, otherwise it won’t look good.”

Only then Pei Xiaoyuan turned to laugh, “Alright! I’ll lead you there, then you won’t return empty-handed!”

Chengping dropped the previous topic, and the two of them walked quickly down the corridor and out of the partition door. They shouted to the servants outside, and soon a group of people came running over. Amid the chaotic sound of their boots tapping on the ground, they all went out and disappeared.

Zhu’er followed Xuyu to hid behind the wall, knowing that she had to wait for the two of them to pass before going to the county governor’s study. At this moment, Master Pei and that Hu person had gone away, but she was still standing there, as if concentrating, not knowing what she was thinking about. Thinking of the words she had just heard, Zhu’er felt uneasy in her heart, holding her breath and waiting for a while, calling softly: “Miss…”

Xuyu said, “I feel a little cold. Go get me a cloak.”

There was wind in the morning, and it was indeed a bit chilly.

Zhu’er quickly agreed and went back to get her cloak.

Xuyu then sat down on a flat stone in a nearby corner, lowered her eyes slightly, and thought over and over again. When Zhu’er came over with the cloak, the idea that had been lingering in her heart for a long time but she could not make a decision about became clearer than ever before.

She knew the direction she should go next.

“Miss! Why are you sitting here alone? It took me so long to find you. Put on your cloak quickly or you’ll catch a cold!”

Xu Yu stood up and said, “Let’s go. It’s not good to keep the county governor waiting for a long time.”

When she arrived, a few adjutants and aides were just leaving Lord Pei’s presence. Xuyu waited quietly outside until they finished their business and left. It was only then that Pei Ji realized she had been waiting and quickly called her inside, chiding her for being too polite.

“Why didn’t you have someone announce your arrival? I wasn’t busy just now. I only chatted a bit because you hadn’t come yet.”

“I should wait my turn. Please, Lord Pei, have a seat.”

Pei Ji returned to his seat, his eyes full of smiles: “How is it, are you used to living here these days? Do you have enough servants? I wanted to talk to you two days ago, but I was afraid that I am old and talkative, which might annoy you.”

His tone was full of doting, and he laughed first after he finished speaking, it was obvious that he was in a very good mood.

Xuyu said, “It should be me who come to greet the elders, but I was afraid of disturbing the important business here. I hope Lord Pei will not blame me for being rude.”

Pei Ji waved his hand dismissively. “There’s nothing much happening here lately. If you don’t mind my chatter, come anytime you want. I’d be more than happy to have your company. I used to correspond with your grandpa, and I remember he praised you for being perceptive and wise, good at handling things. I imagine your painting skills must have greatly improved, fully inheriting his legacy. Before the upheaval years ago, when I had a lot of free time, I often discussed painting with others. Everyone said your grandpa’s skills were divine, unmatched by ordinary people. Now that you’re here, it’s a great opportunity. Unfortunately, I’m not like I used to be and have lost the heart to discuss painting. Otherwise, I could have asked for your guidance.”

Xuyu quickly responded, “Lord Pei, you’re teasing me. My grandpa’s painting skills were indeed extraordinary, but I am far from his level. I haven’t even grasped the basics yet. I only remember some of his careful teachings and try not to be lazy, relying on hard work to make up for my shortcomings. I would never dare to presume to instruct. If there’s anything you need from me, just let me know.”

“Don’t be modest. Back then, the late emperor loved Ye Zhongli’s paintings so much that he later forbade him to paint for others in private, and instead regarded it as a gift to his subjects. At that time, if a minister could get a portrait made by your grandpa, it would be a great honor. Now that you are here, if I can also get a portrait make by you to pass on to my descendants, I would be satisfied!”

“Thank you for your undeserved kindness, Lord Pei. I will do my best.”

Pei Ji smiled and said, “That’s settled then! But there’s no need to rush. We can do it slowly when we have some free time later.”

Xuyu agreed. After talking a little more, Pei Ji coughed and said, “My nephew came back last night. Did you know?”

Xuyu lowered her eyelids slightly: “I heard about it.”

Pei Ji thought she was shy, so he stroked his beard and laughed.

“Xuyu, before you came here, your grandpa must have told you about your life-long affairs, right?

At that time a few months ago, Xuyu’s biggest worry was Grandpa’s health. He often coughed all night and couldn’t sleep, and even vomited blood. Just when she was worried and looking for medicine everywhere, one day he suddenly told her that he was going out again. Before leaving, he arranged a marriage for her, and the other party was Pei Ji’s nephew.

She still remembered the guilt in her grandpa’s eyes when he said this to her.

“You have been with Grandpa for many years, but Grandpa have never let you live a good life. Now the marriage is arranged in a hurry, which is really unfair to you. However, fortunately, when Grandpa helped Pei Ji build the pass, Grandpa get to know his nephew. He followed me for more than half a year, going up the mountains and down the streams without any complaints. Although he was still young at that time, he had extraordinary courage and resoluteness, and his temperament was good. I think his character is reliable. Not to mention Pei Ji, he will definitely not treat you badly.”

Xuyu was so surprised that she refused to accept it, saying that she would accompany him wherever he went, just like before. However, Grandpa’s next words made her silent.

“Grandpa has lived to this age and has seen the rise and fall of the world. Life and death are just a matter of day and night, and fame and fortune are no more than fleeting clouds. People admire my paintings, but in Grandpa’s eye, the only true blessing in my life is that heaven has given you to be my granddaughter. Grandpa hopes that you will never grow up and Grandpa will never grow old, so that we can travel around the world and paint the mountains and rivers as we did in the past. If, by some luck, a remnant of Grandpa’s paintings could survive a hundred or even a thousand years and allow future generations to glimpse the beauty of today’s rivers and mountains and the charm of its people, then Grandpa’s life as an artist would not have been in vain. Remember those years when Grandpa was painting and you mixed colors and handed me the brush. Though we endured hardships and slept under the open sky, we also experienced the greatest joy and freedom. That was the happiest time in Grandpa’s life. But alas it can’t be done. You still grew up and can’t always accompany Grandpa. Grandpa is also old, yet still has unfulfilled wishes.”

When he said this, grandpa had a smile on his face.

“Meeting and separation are destined by heaven. It was heaven’s will that Grandpa met you back then. It is also heaven’s will that we are separated now. I am going out this time and I don’t know when I will return, so I can’t take you with me. This is the last thing Grandpa can do for you. Only when Grandpa know that you have a home in the future can Grandpa feel at ease!”

Even so, Xuyu smiled and sent off the grandpa who raised her.

He was still wearing a woven raincoat, carrying a traveling bag and holding a walking stick, a familiar look to her. However, this time, he was alone and gradually disappeared from her sight.

At that moment, she began to cry.

There may be a secret place in everyone’s heart that only they know. This was true for her, and it might be the same for Grandpa.

She didn’t notice it when she was little, but as she grew older, she realized that he traveled all over the country without stopping. In addition to enjoying the beautiful scenery, he was probably looking for someone. But Grandpa never told her, let alone who he was looking for.

This time it was her intuition that grandpa left, probably for this reason.

She boarded the carriage that came to pick her up so that her grandpa could rest assured to do what might be the last thing he wanted to do in his life.

“Yes, Grandpa did tell me.”

Xuyu raised her eyes.

“Don’t worry, Xuyu. My Pei family really wants you to marry over. I’m not bragging. My nephew, I dare not say he’s giant among men, but it’s not an exaggeration to say that his appearance and character are above average. He also listens to me. When he learned about the marriage last night, he happily agreed. After you got marriage, I believe that you two will be able to live together in harmony and grow old together, and achieve this heaven-sent marriage. I called you here today for no other reason than to ask your opinion. If the wedding date is set in three months, what do you think?”

Pei Ji was in high spirits. In front of his future niece-in-law, he not only praised his nephew but also covered up for him. After he finished speaking, he saw Xuyu walk up to him, then knelt down on both knees and kowtowed to the ground, performing a deep kowtow to him.

Pei Ji had not expected her to do this. He hurriedly stood up and walked over, stretched out his hand to help her up, and said with a smile, “We will be a family soon. Why do you need to do such a big ceremony? Get up quickly! Also, from today on, don’t call me Lord Pei anymore. You can call me Uncle like Erlang!”

Xuyu couldn’t get up: “Xuyu dare not. After coming here, I have been loved by Lord Pei and taken care of in every way, treating me like your own daughter. Xuyu is extremely grateful. But today I have to disappoint Lord Pei’s kindness. I am really ashamed and embarrassed.”

Pei Ji pondered over her words and suddenly felt something was wrong. He looked at her hesitantly, “Why do you say that?”

“Xuyu’s purpose of coming here this time is not to get married, but to give Lord Pei an explanation and apologize to you. Please choose another good partner for Master Pei, and don’t delay his life long’s event because of me.”

Pei Ji was stunned. After she finished speaking, she kowtowed deeply to him again for a long time with a very serious attitude before he came to his senses.

“You stand up first.” He confirmed with the girl who was kneeling in front of him: “Xuyu, you just said that the purpose of your trip was not to get married, but to terminate the agreement?”

“That’s right. Please forgive me.”

The atmosphere in the study suddenly turned solemn. Pei Ji put his hands behind his back and walked slowly around the room.

“Although this marriage was indeed hasty, it was agreed upon by your grandpa and me. I thought you would be willing to it. Or…”

He stopped and looked at Xuyu who was still kneeling on the ground.

“Are you nor satisfied with my nephew and don’t want to marry him? Feel free to tell me. If it’s a misunderstanding, I can clear it up for you.”

Xuyu shook her head: “It has nothing to do with your nephew. It’s all my fault. To be honest, I agreed to the marriage in front of Grandpa this time to reassure him, so that he wouldn’t be worried about me. After Grandpa left, I came here to meet Lord Pei because I thought I also needed to give an explanation here. If I can get your forgiveness, it will be my great fortune.”


Pei Ji’s head was buzzing and he didn’t know what to say for a moment. He just kept twirling his beard and almost broke off a strand of it.

“After coming here, I realized that the whole family was so attentive for me. I was extremely terrified that I trampled on your good intentions for my own selfishness. I was ashamed to face it, let alone open my mouth. But then I thought, the marriage of your nephew is a major event in his life. If I deceived you about this, wouldn’t I be committing a greater sin?”

Pei Ji finally came back to his senses and said hurriedly, “I understand your intentions now. Don’t worry, you are also doing it out of filial piety, how can I blame you? However, although your original intention was to appease your grandpa, now that you’re here, if you can change your mind, we can continue with the marriage. This matter will stay between us, and I won’t mention it to my nephew. Let’s just pretend it never happened.”

“Thank you very much for Lord Pei’s forgiveness. Xuyu is very grateful. However, I am a rootless duckweed. If Grandpa had not adopted me back then, I would have turned into a lonely ghost. I know that I’m not blessed and I’m really not worthy of Master Pei. I dare not misled him. I only ask Lord Pei to forgive my sins for my grandpa’s sake!”

She bowed once more, with her forehead touching the ground, and did not raise her body for a long time.

With Pei Ji’s experience in dealing with people, how could he not understand?

She really didn’t want to get married.

Although he liked this girl very much, she didn’t have the same intentions.

Pei Ji thought of his conversation with his nephew last night.

How could he not see it? His nephew only changed his mind and agreed to the marriage in order to obey him.

He originally thought that with the girl’s appearance and temperament, his nephew would definitely change his mind after marriage, and the two of them would surely love each other and live in harmony. However, he never expected that there would be such a change today.

Pei Ji stared at Ye Xuyu who was kneeling on the ground for a long time, then he let out a long sigh and completely gave up.

Perhaps this was heaven’s will. Without the matchmaker, no matter how others tried to bring them together, it would be in vain.

Pei Ji knew that there was no chance of redemption, so he had no choice but to reach out and help Xu Yu, who was still kneeling on the ground, up, and comforted her gently: “It’s alright, it’s alright, don’t blame yourself. In this case, let’s call off the marriage.”

Xuyu was filled with gratitude beyond words. The only thing she could do now was to bow again and express her deep gratitude.

Pei Ji smiled and said, “Xuyu, although you can’t be my niece-in-law, it doesn’t matter. I don’t have a daughter, so why don’t I take you in as my adopted daughter, and you can live here peacefully in the future, how about that?”

Xuyu was startled, and bowed again: “Lord Pei, thank you so much for your great favor, and I cannot ask for more. However, what I said earlier is true. I know that I am born with bad luck, and am not a person with good fortune. Lord Pei’s kindness and mercy today, Xuyu will always remember it in my heart, and I will repay you in the next life.”

Pei Ji hesitated for a moment and nodded: “Alright, it doesn’t matter whether you recognize or not. But your grandpa entrusted you to me. No matter what, this is your home. Don’t worry about anything. Stay here and wait for your grandpa to come. When he’s done, he will come here to pick you up.”

This time, his tone was very firm and he would not tolerate any refusal.

Xuyu thought of her grandpa’s back as he left alone, her eyes darkened, but she said nothing, only bowed her head and thanked him.

“Thank you, Lord Pei!”

Pei Ji smiled and said, “Alright, alright, I have nothing else here, you can go back to your room. Remember to stay here peacefully and don’t let your mind wander!”

“Then please excuse me.”

She took a few steps back under Pei Ji’s kind and smiling gaze, turned around and walked to the door, opened it, and was about to step over the threshold when she paused.

She saw two more people at the gate of the courtyard opposite, talking to Zhu’er. Probably hearing the sound of the door opening, the two turned around and looked over.

It was the county governor’s nephew and the Hu person she had seen this morning. She didn’t know why the two of them came back at this time and happened to meet the other here.

It was too late to dodge.

The two men also saw her and stopped.

Xuyu continued to step out of the threshold, walked closer under the gaze of the two people opposite, bowed slightly, and then walked around them.

“Miss, wait for me!”

Zhu’er also hurriedly bowed to Pei Xiaoyuan and Chengping and chased after her.

“Just now I was waiting here, and I saw Master Pei and the nobleman suddenly turned back. I said you were still meeting the county governor, and just as I finished speaking, I turned around and you came out Miss…”

Behind him, the maid’s footsteps and chattering voices drifted into Pei Xiaoyuan’s ears. The girl didn’t say anything, and he also didn’t look back.

Out of the corner of his eye, in the blink of an eye, the flaming red skirt disappeared from sight.

Suddenly, he was hit hard on the shoulder by someone. He was caught completely off guard and almost lost his balance. He staggered and saw Chengping turning his head back. His face came close to his, full of envy. He only heard him say, “How unkind! I almost got fooled by you!”

“Is this the bride that the county governor has chosen for you? Good Heaven! You’re still unwilling to have such a wife?”

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