Thousand Verdant Mountains

Thousand Verdant Mountains – Chapter 33

Chapter 33


The next day, the painting of the blessing in the stone chamber was basically completed. In another half day, the finishing touches were completed. The steward of the county prince mansion was also there, saying that the reward would be arranged to be paid later. Xuyu gave instructions on drying and other precautions, packed up and prepared to leave.

At this time, she was relaxed and could not help thinking about what happened the night before. The strange appearance of Yuwen Zhi, who was not like a normal person at that time, appeared in front of her eyes, and the more she thought about it, the stranger it seemed.

She was trained by her grandfather to pay attention to the details of her painting subjects. When it came to people, in addition to the appearance, she was also used to capturing the different subtle expressions on their faces. Thinking back carefully, it seemed that the point when he started acting strangely was when he asked that question, and she began to answer.

She remembered that she was facing inwards, while Yuwen Zhi was facing outside the stone chamber. When she spoke, he seemed to be in a trance, and his attention seemed to be outside, not on her.

Not only that, recalling the words that came out of his mouth now, she always had a feeling that he seemed to be speaking to others.

Could it be that there was someone outside the stone chamber the night before, and Yuwen Zhi knew about it, but she was completely unaware?

Xuyu had this question in her mind. When she left the gate, she asked the gatekeeper who had been there at midnight the night before.

There were few people here. If there was no special event, only this gate was open. Since it was midnight, if someone came over, the gatekeeper should have an impression. However, these people usually flatter the powerful and look down on the weak, so if you ask them directly, they may not tell you.

“I am a painter who painted the blessing painting for County Prince Xiping Mansion in Ci’en Temple. The night before last, Shizi came to the stone chamber to see the painting. This morning, I found a horse whip outside the cave, but it was not dropped by Shizi. It must belong to someone else. Do you remember who else came here? If I know, I can return the horse whip to him.”

The gatekeeper believed it and said that Luwu Division Chief had been there and that he and the shizi of county prince mansion had arrived one after the other.

When Xuyu heard this, she understood clearly and became so angry that her fingertips turned cold.

Although she didn’t know why Pei Xiaoyuan came to see her in the middle of the night, she already knew that little bastard Yuwen’s purpose.

It was actually to let Pei Xiaoyuan see the entire terrible scene.

Although she didn’t care what he thought of her, on the way back to the north of the city, she felt deeply ashamed every time she thought about the situation at that time.

If she couldn’t explain such a situation clearly, she would be too ashamed if she met him again in the future.

As soon as she returned to the north of the city, she didn’t go anywhere. She immediately looked for Qingtou and asked where Pei Xiaoyuan was.

This time, even he returned at midnight, she wanted to wait. But unexpectedly, Qingtou said that he seemed to have some business, and he didn’t come back last night. He was not in the government office during the day today, so he might have left Chang’an.

“Young Master, if you have anything, just tell me. As soon as Master returns, I will inform him.”

How could such a shameful thing be conveyed through Qingtou’s mouth?

Xuyu said it was no big deal and turned to leave.

There was still half a day left today, and there was no need to return to the palace immediately, so she once again came to the Jinfeng Tower in Zhongqu, Pingkang Lane.

There might be someone she wanted to meet among them, but up until now, aside from waiting patiently and hoping for good luck to catch the person, she still couldn’t think of a better way to approach them.

The courtesans were not confined indoors all day, especially those who were famous. Besides attending various banquets and socializing with officials and scholars, they would often, when not entertaining guests, dress up like goddesses, and in groups of three or five, surrounded by their attendants, they would ride horses and leisurely stroll through the bustling streets. Wherever their procession passed, they were followed by many admirers. The new and beautiful clothes and makeup they carefully thought out the night before might soon become the style that many women in Chang’an would imitate.

Xuyu wanted to find Yumian, but she may not like to show up in public and attract attention like her young juniors. However, the scenery in Chang’an was just right now, so she may go out to enjoy the spring and relax.

Xuyu waited near the gate of Jinfeng Tower for another half a day and saw a dozen courtesans getting on and off the carriage, coming in and out, but the person she wanted to see was not among them.

She was already in a low mood, and half a day passed. As the sun set, she could only return to the inn gloomily. She entered the inn absent-mindedly, still thinking hard about what other methods she could try. It seemed the hope of success was far away. As soon as she entered, she was told that there was a guest waiting for her, the shizi of County Prince Xiping Mansion.

Xuyu was surprised at first, then a faint anger rose in her heart. She forced herself to suppress it and immediately went back to her room. She saw Yuwen Zhi standing in the corridor with a strong servant behind him. He stood with his hands behind his back, gazing at the evening street scene outside the inn.

She quickly climbed up the stairs, and the sound of her footsteps attracted the attention of the people upstairs, who walked quickly and met her at the stairs.

“Where have you been? Didn’t you left in the morning? I’ve been waiting for you here for a long time!”

He started by questioning, with a dissatisfied tone.

Xuyu opened the door and walked in without saying a word. Yuwen Zhi came in without being invited. His servant brought in a lacquered box that looked quite heavy, put it down, and then left.

Yuwen Zhi went up to open the lid of the box, and inside the box were many gold pieces that shone brightly.

He pouted: “It’s the agreed reward!”

Xuyu didn’t even glance at him and said, “When you came to see me the night before last. Did you deliberately said those crazy things to me because you know Pei Er was outside?”

Yuwen Zhi was startled at first, but soon snorted and sneered: “Did he tell you that?”

It turned out that her guess was true.

Xuyu slammed the lid of the box shut.

“I can’t afford this reward. It’s my honor that Shizi thinks highly of my humble painting skills and asks me to paint. Take these things back with you. Just please don’t bother me again in the future, and I will be very grateful!”

He didn’t move.

Xuyu could no longer suppress her anger.

“Are you still the ignorant boy of fifteen or sixteen? What have I ever done to make you fall so deeply for me? Do you believe that by deliberately kicking over the ladder and causing me to fall into your arms, he will be heartbroken and unable to sleep at night? Do you think that if you say those ridiculous love words in front of me, he will be pierced by thousands of arrows, thinking there’s a deep love between us? Please, wake up! I’ve told you, there’s nothing between me and Pei Er. Even if he really took care of me, it was only out of a sense of responsibility because we once knew each other.

“You’re not the only one in the world who has lost a mother. I don’t believe that you’re so blind and ignorant that you can’t tell right from wrong in your brother’s case. I have something to say, but I don’t know whether I should say it or not.”

Yuwen Zhi looked nonchalant at first, then it turned into a sneer, and when Xuyu finished speaking, his face had already turned pale. “Say it?”

“Instead of feeling sorry for yourself, resenting the world and hating people, why not act like a true man and personally cut down the main enemy who wronged your mother? If you really believe that Pei Er is the one who killed your brother, then you should take revenge openly. Don’t spend so much time scheming, only to drag me into it with these contemptible and childish tricks that I find utterly beneath me! The land of Shu has always been home to great men—I advise Shizi not to behave like a cowardly fool!”

Yuwen Zhi stood still for a moment, then his shoulders moved slightly, as if he was about to raise his arm.

“What? You want to kill me?” Xuyu was not afraid at all, just looked at him coldly.

His arm paused for a moment. He then violently swept the box containing gold pieces on the table to the ground. With a clang, the gold box turned over, and the gold pieces rolled out cascading like waves of shimmering light across the floor.

He lifted his head high, stepping over the scattered gold as he strode away.

Xuyu let out a long breath, and finally felt the pressure in her chest dissipate a little. She looked down at the gold pieces on the ground, squatted down, and picked them up one by one. Suddenly, she heard a burst of hurried footsteps across the floor.

She raised her head and saw Yuwen Zhi, who had just left, came back again. He stood at the door and said coldly: “Tomorrow at noon, I will hold a banquet in Chunfeng Tower and have issued an official dispatch to Yumian from Jinfeng Tower! It’s up to you to come or not!” After that, he ran away.

Xuyu came back to her senses, her heart skipped a beat, and she was finally intrigue. She stood up and chased after him, calling out, “Wait a minute!”

He put his hands behind his back and stopped, but did not turn around. She asked hesitantly, “How do you know I want to see this courtesan?”

Yuwen Zhi turned his head slightly and said calmly, “I also know that you hurriedly stayed in Yongping Lane on your first day in the capital. As for this person, don’t you often hang around outside Jinfeng Tower? The servants at the door all recognize you! Just ask about it and you will know. What’s so difficult about it?”

Xuyu was stunned for a moment, then suddenly understood, and felt a chill down her spine.

It turned out that after bumping into her at Kaiyuan Gate on the first day, Yuwen Zhi actually sent people to follow her.

“Whatever you want to think.”

He added coldly, ” After that Pei guy brought you here, I called my people back. I’ve learned my lesson today! I may have been heartless and cruel to you before, but now that you’ve come to paint a blessing picture for my mother, consider it my small way of making amends. It’s up to you whether you come or not!” With those words, he turned and stomped down the stairs, his boots thudding heavily, and left without looking back.

Xuyu stayed awake almost until dawn that night. Without much hesitation, she arrived at Chunfeng Tower early the next day and was led in by Yuwen Zhi. She hid behind a screen in the banquet hall. From there, she could clearly see the appearance of all the people participating in the banquet.

Nowadays, the court had set rules that higher-ranking officials in the capital were not allowed to openly enter the brothels in Pingkang Lane. If someone was impeached, the lighter punishment was a salary fine, and the heavier punishment was demotion and dismissal. Various banquets often require official prostitutes to accompany them, so if the prostitutes registered under the Music Bureau receive an official dispatch, they must respond to the call.

The official dispatch for this banquet was sent by Yuwen Zhi in his own name. In order to conceal the real reason, he used the excuse of inviting several elders in the capital who had close relationship in the past on behalf of his father. Therefore, he not only invited the famous young courtesans, but also several old courtesans who were very popular back in the days and have not yet left the court, including Yumian from Jinfeng Tower.

The banquet commenced, and all the summoned official prostitutes had arrived. Not to mention the young courtesans, such as Su Wan’er and Cai Qiniang, who were in the prime of their youth and renowned for their beauty and talent, even the old prostitutes from Chang’an who were summoned to accompany the banquet did their best. They skilfully organizing drinking games, enforcing the rules, and playing instruments while singing songs. The hall was filled with cheerful laughter and the clinking of wine cups, creating a lively and festive atmosphere.

However, the only thing missing was Yumian.

Yuwen Zhi asked someone to entertain the guests on his behalf, and he made an excuse to leave. He went to a nearby side hall and sternly questioned the steward who was in charge of picking up and dropping off the courtesans in Jinfeng Tower, asking why Yumian was not there and made him lose face in front of the guests.

How come this steward didn’t know the name of County Prince Xiping’s shizi? After coming to Chang’an, he spent all day hanging out with a group of noble sons who served in the army in the capital, frequently associating with the likes of Lu Wenzhong, the son of the Grand Princess Mansion, and Liu Yue, the favored grandson of Grand Chancellor Mansion—well-known troublemakers among the young nobility. Seeing this, he was trembling with fear and explained that Yumian happened to be unwell these days and went to a suburban villa to recuperate, so she could not respond to the call today. To make up for it, he specially sent Su Wan’er, Cai Qiniang, and Xiang’er from his tower—all three of whom were the most famous courtesans of Jinfeng Tower.

He thought this explanation was enough. But the shizi seemed to be drunk and would not accept any explanation. He angrily kicked over a table full of cups, plates and fruits in front of him, and with a clattering sound, he drew his sword and was about to cut people.

The steward was so scared that he ran around the room, and was finally forced to stop in a corner. Trembling, he dropped to the ground, repeatedly kowtowing in fear. With a sword against his chest, he finally said with a pale face that the person who bought Yumian was very powerful, and the madam of the brothel dared not offend him no matter what, so she could not send the person out.

“Who is that person?”

The steward shook his head and said he didn’t know. Only the madam knew about it. After that, he burst into tears and kept kowtowing. He also said that last year, the great general Chen Sida invited Yumian to a banquet but it was unsuccessful. At first, he also wanted to find fault with Jinfeng Tower, but later, perhaps he knew the identity of the distinguished patron, and the matter was dropped.

Shizi, please spare my life! I have told you the truth! I have no intention of disrespecting you. Even if you kill me today, I cannot bring Madam Yumian here!”

Yuwen Zhi ordered the people to get out, and with a gloomy face, he went behind a screen in the room and said, “You don’t have to worry. I don’t believe that man can cover the sky with one hand, he’s not the emperor, right?

“Just wait! I have some good friends in the Jinwu Guards. Wait for me to call them over and find a reason to search for people under the pretext of arresting criminals!”

He left after he said that.


Xuyu stopped him.

She didn’t want to do it this way. It would make too much noise. Moreover, judging from what the steward had just said, the person who bought out Yumian was indeed very powerful, more powerful than she had imagined. Even someone of Chen Sida’s status and position did not dare to make things difficult for him.

“Do you look down on me?” Yuwen Zhi suddenly became angry and embarrassed.

“Don’t misunderstand!” Xuyu comforted.

“I’m looking for her because she’s an old friend of mine, not an enemy. It was her who doesn’t want to come out. If you force your way in like this, even if you find her, how can I meet her?”

After hearing this, Yuwen Zhi’s expression turned better. He frowned and said hatefully, “Then what should we do? Calling her like this, she won’t come. Forcing her, you won’t agree!”

Xuyu’s eyes fell on the several paintings of maids on the south wall opposite the room, and she did not answer.

He looked at her thoughtful look, and his expression became unhappy again.

“Do you want to find that Pei guy to help you? He has more face than me and can suppress the person behind the scenes, yes or no?”

Xuyu came back to her senses: “If I want to ask him for help, why would I wait until today?”

Yuwen Zhi was rebuked and snorted, but said nothing more.

“I have a way, let’s try it.” Xuyu suddenly said.

“Fetch me some ink and brush.”

Yuwen Zhi was puzzled, but he immediately ordered people to fetch it. Soon, the brush, ink, paper and inkstone were delivered. Xuyu drew a picture on the spot, asked Yuwen Zhi for help to let the steward pass the painting to Yumian.

Yuwen Zhi glanced at it curiously: “What are you drawing on the paper?”

Xuyu took the painting away, avoided his gaze, and rolled it up.

“Be sure to pass it on privately and give it to her. Don’t let anyone else know!”

Just a moment ago, she was inspired by the pictures of beauties on the wall and thought of Zhou He, and then suddenly an idea came to her mind.

She painted the scene when she was a child and went to the house of the sesame cake lady with Wei Yinniang to buy cakes.

If the courtesan named Yumian was really Yinniang, she would definitely be able to guess who sent the painting.

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One thought on “Thousand Verdant Mountains – Chapter 33

  1. “Don’t spend so much time scheming, only to drag me into it with these contemptible and childish tricks that I find utterly beneath me! The land of Shu has always been home to great men—I advise Shizi not to behave like a cowardly fool!””
    Yayy, you go girl! I love this plain speaking FL.

    thanks for the chapter!

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