Thousand Verdant Mountains

Thousand Verdant Mountains – Chapter 21 Part 1

Chapter 21 Part 1


Chunfeng Tower was located near Zhuque Street, the most prosperous street in the city, known as the Heavenly Street. The street drums had long stopped at dusk, but the feasting and drinking here have just begun. From afar, the lights were twinkling, shining like stars, making this high-rise building for people to indulge in pleasure look like a fairy palace under the night sky.

Pei Xiaoyuan arrived as promised, and Chengping and a group of young men from different imperial guards were waiting for him. These young men were all from extraordinary backgrounds. Serving as close guards to the emperor when outside, and belonging to noble and powerful families when at home. They spent their days leisurely hunting with falcons and dogs, riding fast horses, and competing in archery, never worrying about what tomorrow might bring. Their only dream was one day to make achievements and becoming famous throughout the world.

But tonight, this guest who had just returned to Chang’an became the center of attention of the banquet.

Many of them had heard of the name of General Shenhu’s son three years ago. They imagined themselves to also riding horses across the battlefield, making decisive moves, which stirred their emotions and filled them with passion. This time, when they learned that he had been summoned to the Jinwu Guard and had arrived in the capital, even if it was out of curiosity, they had to come and take a look to see what kind of person he was.

That night, the banquet was held in the east pavilion. The table was spread out, and the ivory plates and golden cups were served. The courtesans who played the strings and accompanied them in drinking were all top-class courtesans from the Jiaofang. The pavilion was filled with the sound of flutes and songs under the bright lanterns. The young men admired his striking appearance, elegant demeanor, how he conversed with ease, and drinking without ever getting drunk. They all looked up to him, eager to befriend him. Even after the banquet ended, they still hadn’t had enough. Laughing and chatting, they accompanied him and Chengping down the east pavilion, with someone suggesting they continue their revelry through the night at Pingkang Lane.

Chengping hooked his shoulder and said yes repeatedly.

Pei Xiaoyuan noticed that his steps were unsteady and his drunkenness was evident, so he smiled and said he should accept the kind offer. However, since they wouldn’t be able to leave the lane gate, it would be better to stay here overnight. He suggested that next time, when it’s more convenient, he would host and take everyone there for drinks.

Chengping shouted that he was not drunk, fumbled around the front of his clothes, and said, “You’re going to join the Jinwu Guard, so I won’t make it difficult for you! I have prepared it long ago. This is the road pass I got before, which will ensure that we can pass through without any obstacles!”

Because of the emperor’s longevity celebration, the night patrols in the capital have become much stricter than before. Although inside the lane was the same as before, the night patrols on the streets outside have increased, especially in the prosperous areas like this one.

It was said that this was the order of Jinwu General Han Kerang. After the gate was closed, no one without a pass was allowed to enter or exit without a valid reason. If anyone violate the order, they would be punished according to the law. For people of their status, if they were unlucky enough to be caught without prior notice, while it might not lead to serious consequences, they would still have to go through considerable trouble to be released. Moreover, disobedience was now handled differently than before.

Just a few days ago, the son-in-law of Shenwu General Chen Sida got drunk and broke into the gate of Pingkang Lane. He was caught by the night patrol. Not only did he refuse to accept it, he also verbally insulted Han Kerang. As a result, he was flogged 20 times on the spot and thrown into Jinwu Guard jail, where he was imprisoned for several days. It was said that Chen Sida finally went to find Han Kerang in person and got his son-in-law out.

However, as long as you declare and get a pass in advance, you would be able to pass through without any problems.

Most of the people were already half drunk and in high spirits, so how could they disperse so easily? Since Chengping was the first to refuse to let people go, they all followed suit and started to make a scene.

Suddenly, at this moment, there was a group of people coming down the stairs on the opposite west pavilion. Their appearance was like the people here, most likely leaving after the banquet. A group of people surrounded one person in the middle and there was constant noise.

When they met head-on, the common staircase for going down could not accommodate everyone, so both sides stopped for a moment.

Opposite them, the one who was being crowded in the middle was also a young man, with a golden crown in his hair, a brocade robe, a flushed face, and an unsteady gait. It was obvious that he was drunk. When he suddenly noticed that the stairway was blocked, he looked over. At first, he didn’t seem to care, but a person who looked like an entourage behind him reacted differently.

When the man saw Pei Xiaoyuan, his eyes were fixed on him. He immediately leaned over and whispered something to the young man’s ear. The young man’s face suddenly changed. He stopped abruptly and looked at Pei Xiaoyuan, staring at him intently.

Pei Xiaoyuan noticed something was wrong and also glance at the other person. At this time, Chengping, who was drunk beside him, finally realized that the atmosphere was not right. He turned his head and looked over. His drunkenness immediately dissipated a lot. He leaned over Pei Xiaoyuan with a cold expression and said, “It’s the brat of the Yuwen family! He just arrived a few days ago and was appointed as the Lieutenant General of the Longwu Guard, the limelight is not small.”

He had arrived in the capital over a month ago, and though he hadn’t been granted an audience with the emperor, the very next day he was appointed as the Lieutenant General of Zuowu Guard. When he heard that the shizi of County Prince Xiping, Yuwen Zhi, had also arrived and received the same position as Lieutenant General of the Longwu Guard, he felt unhappy.

In that battle three years ago, if Pei Xiaoyuan had not stopped Yuwen Qing from retreating and temporarily taken command of the Xiping Army to help in the counterattack, Chengping might have already been reincarnated into some unknown realm. Remembering this old grudge made his teeth ache with anger. Unexpectedly running into Yuwen Zhi tonight, he cast a sidelong glance and let out a cold snort before stopping in his tracks.

After knowing the other party’s identity, Pei Xiaoyuan understood clearly.

After the news of Yuwen Qing’s death came out, Pei Ji sent a letter of condolence to County Prince Xiping, Yuwen Shouren, to express his apology out of moral obligation. Yuwen Shouren did not vent his anger on Pei Ji, but comforted him in his reply, saying that it was all his son’s fault and that he had brought it upon himself. Fortunately, Pei Xiaoyuan was there that day, so the Xiping Army had a chance to make up for their mistakes and save their reputation. He even did not forget to comfort He Jin, who was stabbed by Yuwen Qing.

Regardless of whether Yuwen Shouren’s reply was really what he thought, at least on the surface the matter was over. But obviously, the shizi of the County Prince Mansion in front of him had different ideas from his father.

Right and wrong of this matter, Pei Xiaoyuan no longer wanted to dwell it, and there was no need. The situation at the time did not allow for too much consideration, and everything had to be based on the battle situation first.

He saw that Yuwen Zhi was still stopped on the stairs, staring at him with serious eyes, but he nodded and continued to go downstairs.


Suddenly, a shout came from behind, followed by a “clang” sound. Yuwen Zhi extended his arm and snatched a sword from the waist of a man wearing a sword nearby, pointing the tip directly at Pei Xiaoyuan with lightning speed.

“You injured my brother and caused his death, and you just left like that?”

The sword was pointing at Pei Xiaoyuan’s back, and perhaps because of drunkenness or anger, the tip of the sword was shaking slightly.

After being stunned for a moment, the other people on both sides quickly reacted. The noise and laughter from a moment ago suddenly disappeared, accompanied by the sound of weapons being unsheathed one after another. Dozens of swords were drawn out in an instant as two groups confronted each other. In an instant, the cold gleam of steel filled the air, thick with murderous intent, which frightened the many singing girls in the main hall and made them scream loudly. Along with the guests, they quickly abandoned their seats and scrambled to the sides, fearing they might get caught in the crossfire.

Pei Xiaoyuan stopped and turned around. He saw Yuwen Zhi’s face was stiff, his eyes were red, and hatred was coming straight at him through the tip of a sword.

After the Xifan War, he also heard some stories about County Prince Mansion.

Yuwen Qing had a younger brother. The mother of the two brothers, the princess consort, never won the favor of the County Prince and passed away early. Although Yuwen Qing was stubborn and self-willed, he was very protective of his younger brother, and their brotherly bond was strong. After Yuwen Qing’s death, he heard that Yuwen Zhi once intended to come alone to seek revenge against him and he was warned to be cautious. However, for some reason, nothing ever came of it. Unexpectedly, they encountered each other here tonight

Without waiting for Pei Xiaoyuan to respond, Chengping could not bear it any longer. He drew his sword and stood in front, facing him with his blade.

“What do you want? Your elder brother nearly killed many of my men in Xifan! I didn’t settle the score with you, but you dared to attack me first? Come on then! It’s been a long time since I used my weapons, so let’s see whether County Prince Shizi’s sword is sharper, or if my head chopping knife is quicker!”

The young men from Chang’an who were with him had always relished seeking justice through fighting and admired martial prowess. With the influence of alcohol, their spirits were even higher, and as soon as he finished speaking, they loudly cheered in support. The others, unwilling to back down, responded in kind. The noise shook the roof, and with both sides confronting each other, it seemed that a fight was about to break out.

At this time, Pei Xiaoyuan stepped out of the crowd, took the knife and sheath held in Chengping’s left and right hands, and looked across.

“Whatever Shizi wants to do, Pei dares not refuse and will gladly accompany you. But not here. Tonight, many good brothers came here to give Pei some face. Shizi must also come here to enjoy yourself. Why should we implicate others because of our personal grudge?”

He sheathed the knife without even turning his head, and threw it back to Chengping behind him.

Chengping had no choice but to take it and hug it.

The tense atmosphere finally eased a little because of his action, but the hall was still dead silent. Everyone held their breath and dared not make any unusual noise.

Yuwen Zhi gritted his teeth.

The candles, each as thick as a child’s arm, made the surroundings as bright as day, illuminating the several blue veins protruding from his forehead. He did not move, but the tip of his sword trembled even more.

At this moment, a series of hurried footsteps broke the dead silence. A group of servants rushed in from the restaurant’s door, led by the Lane Principal.

The restaurant owner who could open a shop to welcome guests here was certainly not an ordinary person. The owner was used to seeing the ordinary Chang’an boys fighting over a courtesan after drinking, and he could handle it easily. But tonight, the two people on both sides were not someone he could handle.

Although he still didn’t know the host who came down from the east pavilion was, the Prince of Wolf Court who was traveling with him had become a prominent figure in Chang’an recently.

The one coming down from the west pavilion was equally matched. It was said that he was the shizi of County Prince Xiping, who had made great contribution of welcoming the old emperor in the west in the past, a service that earned him lasting imperial favor, and the royal grace extended to him remained undiminished to this day.

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