Thousand Verdant Mountains

Thousand Verdant Mountains – Chapter 16

Chapter 16


Before the evening drum sounds stopped, Xuyu must find a place to spend the night.

She originally planned to find an inn in the neighborhood near Kaiyuan Gate. Because this area was adjacent to the West Market and was the main entrance to the city for all people coming from the west. She knew there would be a lot of people staying in the inn, but she still underestimated the extent of the crowd.

She searched for five to six houses in a row. No matter how big or small the storefront was, or how expensive or cheap it was, except for some communal bunk beds that had vacancies, all the others were full. She couldn’t stay in the communal bunk beds, so she had to continue searching southward along the main street that ran from north to south. It took quite some time, and by the time she reached the vicinity of the West Market, the sky had turned dark blue. Through the closing gates of the lanes, she saw the lights flickering on in the street-facing houses inside the lane walls. The streets were bustling with carriages and people, appearing even busier than before nightfall. However, the main road outside was nearly deserted, with the few remaining people hurrying along. Remembering Gu Twelve’s advice and knowing the drum signaling curfew was about to stop, she decided not to search further and hurried towards Yongping Lane as directed.

Because of the delay at the beginning, when she finally arrived near Yongping Lane, it was completely dark. The street drums had long stopped and the gates were closed. Fortunately, this place was in the south of the city, far away from the palace. The further south you go, the fewer residents there were. The closer it was to the city wall, it was like a suburb, with large areas of empty land and barren fields, and some temples or gardens owned by wealthy families. The management was not as strict as in the central area, so there were no accidents along the way.

The gate of Yongping Lane was naturally closed at this moment.

Xuyu had just sprinted all the way, and when she finally found the gate, she was out of breath. After catching her breathe a little, she didn’t dare to delay and immediately knocked on the gate. She knocked several times before the gate finally opened a crack. A head poked out, with a sparse beard hanging from his chin like a rat’s tail. The small eyes glanced up and down at Xuyu and asked what did she wanted.

It seemed that this man was the gatekeeper. Xuyu gave Gu Twelve’s name and said that she came here because she entered the city too late and couldn’t find a place to stay. She handed over two coins. This man obviously did this kind of thing often. He looked around and stretched out his hand to take it skillfully. He was about to open the gate to let her in, when suddenly at the corner not far away, there was a sound of orderly footsteps from a queue marching. Xuyu turned around and saw a small group of four or five guards in armor, holding bows and halberds.

She knew that she must have run into the Jinwu guard.

Although the strict night curfew only started at the second watch, people were prohibited from walking when the street drum sounded. Without a valid reason and a pass issued by the lane principal, residents were not allowed to go out, and the lane gate could not be opened at will. If caught behaving improperly, the lightest punishment would be twenty strokes of the cane. The gatekeeper had not checked the identity of the visitor just now, and if it was not complete, it would be troublesome. Seeing this, he immediately ducked his head and wanted to close the gate, but it was too late. The leader of the guard shouted “Ding Da”, and he stopped where he was, smiled, bent down and called “Captain Chen”.

The leader came closer.

It was dark, and she could only see roughly just now. Now Ye Xuyu saw clearly that this was a middle-aged military officer, with broad face and plain appearance, but sharp eyes, and seemed very capable. From the team he led and the way the gatekeeper addressed him, it was not difficult to judge that this person should be the captain of the nearby martial patrol post, a grassroots military officer with the lowest rank under the Jinwu Guard.

Xuyu’s inference was not wrong. The man’s name was Chen Shao, and he came from a martial patrol post near Yanping Gate. He was preparing to patrol tonight, and when he passed by with his team, he saw Ding Da opening the door to let people in, so he stopped and questioned him.

“What’s going on?” Chen Shao asked.

Ding Da hurriedly said, “I don’t know why this young man kept knocking on my gate. I opened the gate, but before I could ask him clearly, he wanted to barge in! I was just about to stop him, but you guys happened to show up!”

He turned sideways from Chen Shao and winked at Xuyu. Xuyu naturally knew how to respond, and without waiting for Chen Shao to ask her, she explained that she entered from Kaiyuan Gate, and because she arrived late, the inns in that area were full and she had no place to stay, so she found this place along the way. Seeing that it was getting dark, she was afraid of being caught, so she knocked on the gate randomly. After that, she took out her pass and handed it over.

Chen Shao took it, but didn’t look at it immediately. He looked her up and down first, and then shone the pass in the light of the lantern in the guard’s hand.

“What are you doing in the capital?”

“I’m a painter. I heard there are a lot of opportunities in Chang’an, so I wanted to try my luck.”

“Open it!” Chen Shao looked at her bag.

Xuyu opened it, and besides clothes and purse, there were also paintbrushes and some pigments that she was reluctant to throw away.

The Jinwu captain took a quick look and returned the pass to her. Then he turned to the gatekeeper waiting on the side and said in a stern voice, “The emperor’s longevity celebration is coming. The capital is on high alert against all kinds of villains. Guarding the gates is no small matter. If you dare to cheat and let villains in, if there’s any trouble, watch out being used by others!”

“Yes, yes! Captain Chen’s teaching me is something that I will definitely remember in my heart! I will chase him away right now!” He said as he was about to drive Xuyu away.

“There’s nothing wrong with this person. He’s new here and is late, so it’s understandable. Let him stay in tonight!”

“Yes, yes, I will obey your command.”

The gatekeeper hurriedly opened the gate again and said flatteringly, “I have some freshly made tea cakes. Captain Chen has been working hard. Come in and have a seat. I will make you some tea.”

Chen Shao didn’t say anything. After questioning, he turned around and left with his men. His figure gradually disappeared into the night at the end of the street.

“Just a small Martial Patrol captain, and only wandering around this shabby place in the south of the city. You can’t even go to the north of the city! What a show of power!”

After the people left, the gatekeeper muttered something, then turned to Xuyu and complained: “You almost got me into trouble! Fortunately, you were smart. Why don’t you go in!”

Xuyu walked into the gate.

Separated by a wall, the inside and outside of the lane were like two different worlds. At this hour, the outer streets were already dark and no one was seen, but the inside of the lane was still very lively, with several restaurants and taverns open on both sides of the street. Lights could be seen everywhere, and there were many people on the street, just like a small city within a city.

The residents living here were almost all common people. There were no luxurious houses or tall buildings in the area, but there was such a scene at night. One could imagine what the scene would be like in other prosperous areas after dark.

Xuyu had no intention of wandering around, inquired about Aunt Gao’s inn, and went straight there.

The inn was easy to find. It was located near the gate she had entered. The place was not small, but the interior was messy and simple. It could accommodate people and provide food and wine, and also store goods for merchants. It was a guesthouse, and its advantage was its low price. At this time, the dimly lit lobby was full of people eating and drinking. As soon as you entered, you were hit by the noise. The guests who came here were either long-term tenants or temporary residents. Most of them were small and medium-sized merchants who were reluctant to spend money to live in the north of the city, and outsiders who made a living in various ways in the West Market. Those who came in and out were either vendors or laborers and porters. “Cultured” guests like Xuyu were rare, and they were favored by the female innkeeper named Aunt Gao. She had a plump figure, and one of her arms was as thick as Xuyu’s legs. She had a red scarf wrapped around her head, and her face was powdered white. Although she was in her middle-aged, she still dressed quite beautifully. When she heard that this guest was introduced by Gu Twelve, she was even more enthusiastic. Not only did she find a single room as Xuyu requested, she also personally lit the lamp and led her there. Seeing this, several guests who were drinking near the counter started to make a noise. Aunt Gao turned around and cursed, “Drink your horse urine,” and then took Xuyu to the backyard with a smile.

Xuyu followed Aunt Gao up a creaky staircase that had been in disrepair for so long that it made a loud noise when stepped on, and went up to the second floor. They walked through a narrow and dim corridor, passed by guest rooms separated by thin screens, and came to Xuyu’s room. Aunt Gao took out a key from a large set of keys and unlocked the door.

The room was small, but it had all the necessary amenities, such as a bed, a table, and it was the innermost room, so it would be less disturbed.

Xuyu was never picky about accommodation. In the past, when traveling with Grandpa, sometimes if it was inconvenient, deserted temples were also good places to stay overnight. She was already very satisfied to find a place to stay tonight.

Aunt Gao sent her to her room, put down the candle, but did not leave immediately. She called the waiter to get some water for the guest. While waiting, she leaned against the door frame and started chatting.

“Young Master, are you here to take the imperial examination as well?”

Although the next imperial examination was still some time away, scholars from all over the country have already rushed to Chang’an early. In addition to wanting to build up connections before the exam, they also hope to impress others with their poetry and essays at the gatherings of scholars. If they could be appreciated and recommended by high-ranking officials or renowned scholars, not to mention the legendary Peony Banquet for the top graduates, even meteoric career would no longer be just a dream.

“I’m a painter.” Xuyu took off her bag and explained.

Aunt Gao said “Oh” and laughed, “It’s good to be able to paint! There was a court painter in the previous emperor’s dynasty. Nowadays, people call him the old immortal. I wonder if you have heard of him? Because of his extraordinary painting skills, the emperor not only gave him an official title, but also asked him to accompany him wherever he went. Although I was only a teenager at that time, I knew his name. One of his paintings was worth a thousand gold coins. I even heard that if an official could get the emperor’s favor and have him paint his portrait, it would be like receiving a great reward. If you have extraordinary painting skills, it will not be difficult for you to make a name for yourself here.”

“How dare a firefly compete with the stars? I don’t dare to dream about it.” Xuyu responded.

“Why are you being so modest, young man?”

Aunt Gao’s eyes darted around and she chuckled a few times. Seeing that the guest looked tired and didn’t seem to want to talk, she turned around and yelled at the waiter for being lazy and taking so long to bring water. A guest nearby heard this and complained that there was a big hole chewed by a mouse on the floor of the room. It was dark just now and he almost sprained his ankle because he stepped on empty air. Aunt Gao’s face changed immediately and she yelled, “Bullshit! Maybe it was you who drank too much and chewed it out. I’m being kind by not asking you to pay me. If you think my place is not good, go to Pingkang Lane! They have fine food, comfortable beds, and girls to entertain you! You still owe me fifty coins, and if you keep talking rubbish, I’ll beat you out with a stick!”

The guest immediately fell silent, and the waiter hurriedly brought water with a bitter face. Aunt Gao asked Xuyu to wash up and rest early, and then left. Before leaving, she considerately closed the door and reminded her to remember to lock the door when she went out.

“I’m downstairs. If you need anything, just call me!”

Xuyu saw that this Aunt Gao seemed to be a well-informed person. Looking at her back, she thought to herself, “Aunt Gao, please stay!”

The female innkeeper stopped and turned around: “Young master, is there something else?”

“In fact, what you said just now is right. I also want to enter the palace to be a painter and make a fortune. However, I have just arrived and have no connections. If Aunt Gao can give me some pointer, I will be very grateful.”

Aunt Gao looked Xuyu up and down and nodded, “I said, everyone in the world, whether they are scholars, painters or the lowly people living here, wants to be rich and noble when they come to Chang’an. You want to enter the palace to be a painter, although it’s difficult, but there is still a chance. It depends on whether you have the ability.”

She stopped.

Xu Yu bowed and said, “I didn’t know that in front of me is an expert. If I have offended you, please forgive me.”

Aunt Gao chuckled, “I’m not an expert, just happened to know a bit. You’ve heard of the emperor’s longevity celebration, right? For this longevity celebration, the court repaired the Shenshu Palace, and now it’s about to be completed. It is said that they plan to recreate the old Yong’an Palace’s panoramic scroll of the capital, which is widely known. The previous painter, Ye Zhongli, who painted the divine scroll, attained immortality and ascended on the dragon he painted himself. Others don’t have his ability to take on such a big job. The court must recruit more painters, if not to paint the grand scroll, then to handle the countless other details. A few days ago, I went to Baozha Temple in Chongren Lane to offer incense. As I left, I saw a crowd gathered outside Jingfeng Gate of the Imperial City opposite. It was said that the palace’s painting school was recruiting painting students and posted a notice. I don’t know if it is still there now. Why don’t you go and take a look.”

“Thanks for your pointers! I’ll go tomorrow.”

Aunt Gao smiled again: “If you really want to thank me, then stay with me for a few more days. Every day, there are only stinky men walking around who want to take advantage of me. They either stink of copper coins or stink of sweat. It’s rare to have a clean man like you. I feel good seeing you.”

Xuyu had been to many places with Grandpa and met all kinds of people, but this was the first time she had seen someone as straightforward as Aunt Gao. She was speechless for a moment and didn’t know how to respond.

Her reaction caught Aunt Gao’s eye, and seeing her shyness, Aunt Gao couldn’t help but laugh again.

“Don’t worry! I won’t eat you!” she said with a laugh, placing one hand on her hip and sashaying away.

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