Thousand Verdant Mountains

Thousand Verdant Mountains – Chapter 11

Chapter 11


Pei Ji looked at his nephew.

His tone was calm, as was his expression, as if this was a very ordinary thing.

Pei Ji retracted his gaze, paced to the window of the study, and sighed softly.

“Xiaoyuan, you still can’t let go of what happened back then…”

Pei Xiaoyuan did not respond. He neither admitted nor denied it.

Pei Ji stood there for a long time, looking at the night outside the window.

“When you were born, it was the peak period of Jingsheng Dynasty.”

Suddenly, he said slowly.

“At that time, the court seemed to be peaceful and prosperous, with the whole world paying tribute, the court filled with singing and dancing, leading a befuddled existence. In reality, the foundation was crumbling, and danger lurked everywhere. The old saint was no longer the wise monarch of his youth; he was blind and deaf to the world, indulging in pleasures, surrounded by sycophants. His greatest concern day and night was how to guard against his own sons.

“Although Ye Zhongli was an official, he always had a heart to serve his country. He saw clearly the hopelessness behind the so-called prosperous times and was extremely disappointed. That’s why he left after working so hard to complete that long scroll of murals. That long scroll was his way of thanking the late emperor for his favor, and it also conveyed his wish for everything depicted in his painting­ —thousand verdant mountains and thriving cities—to always be blessed by the gods in heaven.

“After he left, Uncle also made many appeals, hoping that the late emperor would wake up in time, distance himself from villains, employ wise ministers, and prevent disasters before they happen. However, looking around the world, with the seas seemingly calm and everything appears prosperous, how could the old saint listen to my advices? I am deeply ashamed that I could not be like the virtuous ministers of ancient times, such as Bi Gan and Wu Xian, who advised with their blood. Instead, I chose to resign and retire.

“You know what happened next.”

He turned around and faced Pei Xiaoyuan.

“Uncle left the capital the year the present emperor ascended the throne. People at the time said that I took too much credit for myself and caused dissension between the emperor and his ministers.

“Uncle used to be the teacher of the late emperor’s Crown Prince Jingsheng, and your father was also the commander of the East Palace when he was young. Our Pei family, whether in the eyes of outsiders or in reality, has long been inseparable from Crown Prince Jingsheng.

“Founding emperors appear in every dynasty, but a ruler who can revive the nation is rare. The current saint is wise and decisive. During the turmoil, he dared to turn the tide. After quelling the rebellion, he was able to stabilize the country. To call him a reviver of the nation is no exaggeration. However, aside from this, he is also inherently suspicious. Even though I have no ulterior motives, after the saint replaced Crown Prince Jingsheng on the throne, how could he ever truly see me and the Pei family as being of one heart? Even without your father’s incident, it would have been impossible for me to remain at the court.”

This was the first time in a long time that Pei Xiaoyuan heard Pei Ji talk to him about his old story of leaving the capital, and he listened attentively.

“After the victory over Xifan three years ago, the whole world seemed to be united again. The saint is probably getting old and sick, so he indulged in cultivation. However, his temperament became more violent and unpredictable. Last year, he killed Hua Zhi, a scholar of the Jixian Hall. It was said that he was angered by Hua Zhi’s painting.”

It was rare for a scholar to be killed because of a painting. But it could also be seen that the true character of this “saint” was probably even more than being “deeply suspicious” in Pei Ji’s mouth.

“After leaving the capital, more than ten years have passed in a blink of an eye. You also know that after the war with Xifan, even if Uncle still wanted to serve the court, I’m already old and my temple has already gray. I submitted petition to retire more than once, but to no avail. The fields of the Pei family’s old residence in Hedong are probably barren now, just waiting for my return. I had already thought that after this longevity celebration, I would submit a petition to retire again, but unexpectedly this happened…”

He glanced at the letter of appointment on the table, then looked at his nephew again, and his tone became unusually solemn.

“Xiaoyuan, this appointment letter seems to be an accident, but how could there are so many accidents in the world. Although I have been away from the court for many years, I know that Liu and Wang are fighting each other openly and secretly. Perhaps this matter is related to the fight between the two, or even…”

He paused, “I can’t guess what the current emperor is thinking about this matter. If you perform your duties, it is hard to predict whether this trip will be a blessing or a curse. With the unspeakable status of our Pei family, I really can’t think of why the emperor would acquiesce to this matter.

“Have you really thought it through?” he asked his nephew again.


Pei Xiaoyuan didn’t hesitate at all.

The night wind blew the candlelight. Pei Ji looked at the young face opposite him, which became half bright and half dark under the swaying light, and sighed silently in his heart.

“You are already an adult. What you want to do, Uncle can’t stop it.” His tone was rather gloomy.

Pei Xiaoyuan was silent for a moment, then knelt down in front of Pei Ji, kowtowed respectfully to the ground.

“I have failed Uncle’s good intentions. Please forgive me for being unfilial and not following your advice on this matter.”

Pei Ji helped him up.

“I know you have always been cautious, but after entering the capital, you must be even more careful than before.”

“Thank you for your teachings, Uncle. I will keep it in mind, please rest assured.”

Pei Ji looked at him, and finally the first faint smile of the night appeared on his face.

“That’s all I want to say. Now that your appointment letter has been received, you are ordered to take up your post before the end of Fourth Month, so you’d better leave as soon as possible. I guess you will not listen to my advice, so I have asked He shi to pack your luggage for you. As for Xuyu’s whereabouts, I will ask someone to follow up, just put down the matter, you don’t need to look for her. It’s late, you’ve been out all day, go back and rest!”

Pei Xiaoyuan said: “There is still some time before the deadline, so I don’t have to leave immediately. The matter with my adopted sister was all caused by me. I want to leave tomorrow, but not to the capital. I want to go look for her first, otherwise I will feel uneasy. Uncle, don’t worry, whether I can find her or not, I will not get delayed.”

“Alright, you can decide how to arrange your trip. Just arrive before the end of Fourth Month.

“Oh, there’s one more thing!”

Pei Xiaoyuan looked over.

“After you arrive in the capital, remember to visit your uncle as soon as possible and give him my regards. Although human affections are like paper, after all, they are your blood relatives. No matter what they are like, you must fulfill your etiquette as a junior. Besides, the Cui family is a prestigious family. Your uncle’s family has been in the capital for many years and very well-informed. If something happens, even if he can’t do anything else, he should be able to pass on the news to his nephew. ”

Pei Xiaoyuan’s eyes moved slightly, but he agreed.

Pei Ji nodded: “I’m fine here, you can go.”

Pei Xiaoyuan was about to leave, but then he remembered what happened that evening, so he stopped and tell his uncle.

“I don’t know where that person came from, but he doesn’t look like an ordinary person. After I leave, if Uncle goes out, you must pay more attention, in case anything bad happens to you.”

Pei Ji was lost in thought for a moment after listening to him, and then he asked about his appearance and age. Pei Xiaoyuan described him again. He frowned slightly and remained silent for a long while.

“Uncle, are you thinking of someone?” Pei Xiaoyuan asked.

Pei Ji shook his head slowly, paused, and then emphasized: “Anyway, you must be very careful when you enter the capital this time! If you encounter any undecided matters again, write to me as soon as possible.”

Pei Xiaoyuan agreed and returned to his residence. He saw that the house was brightly lit and He shi was leading the maids to pack his luggage overnight. When she heard footsteps, she looked up and hurriedly put down what she was doing to come and greet him.

“Master, you have been out all day and just returned now. I’m afraid you must be starving, right?”

Pei Xiaoyuan was reminded by her that he was hungry, so he went to eat as she said. But he was probably passed his hunger and didn’t have much appetite. When he came back, the luggage had been almost packed, with small boxes stacked on large boxes, looking like moving house. He shi said: “Master, this time you are going to the capital, I don’t know when you’ll be back, so I made long-term preparations and packed some winter and summer clothes, not many, just three or two sets each. You have been away from the capital for many years. This time when you go back, even if you don’t care about other places, you should definitely go to Cui Mansion. People in the capital are used to judging people by their clothes. If your clothes and hats are not bright enough, even the gatekeeper will look down on you. If it weren’t for the suddenness of this time, I would have properly prepared you some new clothes. This is all there is, don’t find it burdensome, and there’s no need for you to carry it yourself. I will arrange for someone to send it. Qingtou is diligent, so let him go with you to help. When you get there, I have told him where to go and what clothes to wear, so you don’t have to worry about it yourself.”

Pei Xiaoyuan listened to her rambling and smiled bitterly: “I’ll do everything Amu says.”

He shi was satisfied, but she noticed that when he answered, his eyes fell on a box on the table. It was the box she brought with her but had not yet put away, so she walked over and opened it carefully.

There were several pieces of jewelry inside, one of which was the double butterfly hairpin that Pei Xiaoyuan had seen on Miss Ye’s hair when he met her that morning. But without the person, it had no life, just lying quietly in the box, shining in the candlelight.

“These pieces are your mother’s early jewelry. The butterfly hairpin was given by your father after she got married. I remember that it was made by a craftsman in the West Market of Chang’an. I still remember that shop. It had no signboard and was squeezed in an inconspicuous corner. Not many people knew about it, but it was able to make such exquisite hairpins, which were unique in Chang’an. So many years have passed, and I don’t know if the shop is still there. I remember that at that time, as long as your father was by her side, she would wear it. You were also just born at that time. What a good day…”

With a smile on her lips, He shi sighed softly, and her fingertips gently stroked the hairpin as if she was caressing a treasure.

“Later, your father became busier and busier, and spent less and less time with her, so she wore it less and less. Later, he had to go out to fight in the war, and he would be gone for a year or so. She was alone in the capital, and she put away the butterfly hairpin, so you probably didn’t have any impression of this when you were young. This time, Miss Ye came in a hurry, and there was no time to prepare everything for her. I thought she was not an outsider, so I took the initiative to wash these remaining jewelries and took them out, but I didn’t expect…”

She paused, “I’ll put it away again.”

She closed the lid of the box, picked it up, and was about to leave. Seeing that Pei Xiaoyuan remained silent, she comforted him, “Master, you don’t have to feel too guilty. The county governor will send someone to look for her again. Besides, I see that Miss Ye has a forehead like a bright moon and plump earlobes. She is a blessed and noble person. She will definitely be fine.”

Pei Xiaoyuan then mentioned his plan. He shi was a little surprised at first, but then nodded: “It should be! Master has this heart, if Miss Ye knows, she will be able to calm down even if she was very angry. But this arrangement is too hard, you have to take care of yourself on the way.”

Pei Xiaoyuan agreed, then He shi hurriedly urged him to rest. Pei Xiaoyuan closed his eyes for a while, and got up at dawn. He met Chengping and talked about the appointment letter. Chengping was very surprised and even happier than the person involved, and kept congratulating him.

“Great! You should have got it three years ago! The court finally remembered your contribution this time! Now, you’re also coming to the capital. Not to mention that we can take care of each other in the future, the journey will also so much fun. I was worried that I would have no one to accompany me. Now, you and I can go together.”

Pei Xiaoyuan smiled and said, “I’m afraid I’m going to disappoint you.” Then he told him about his itinerary. Chengping was quite surprised and paused. Just as he was about to ask to go with him, Pei Xiaoyuan said, “You don’t have to go. You are different from me. You have important things to do and you need to go to the capital earlier to make preparations.”

Chengping pondered for a while, then nodded: “Fine, I’ll listen to you this time. Thank you for your hard work. We’ll spilt up to look for people. I’ll set off first and keep an eye out on the road. I’ll wait for you in the capital later!”

The sky was getting bright. Chengping summoned all the people here, and Pei Xiaoyuan also bid farewell to Pei Ji solemnly. He asked Qingtou to go to the capital with Chengping first, while he and He Jin would go together, and the two groups parted ways.

More than two months later, he finally arrived at the “where I came from” mentioned in the letter left by the woman.

It was a small mountain village nestled deep in the mountains of Luzhou. Surrounded by dozens of mountain households, the area was encircled by towering peaks. In the morning, mist rose with the dawn, and in the evening, the sky was painted with sunset hues, like an idyllic paradise isolated from the outside world.

She was not there, and had not returned.

The door of the hut was wide open, the low fence was half collapsed, wild grass was tangled, and the ground was covered with dead branches and leaves. A yellow cat curled up in the corner to bask in the sun was startled by his footsteps and quickly ran away.

On his way south, he moved during the day and slept at night, asking around, and his disappointment piled up day by day.

Regardless of whether she really had no interest in marriage as his uncle said, Ye Zhongli entrusted the rest of his granddaughter’s life to him out of trust in him.

He betrayed that trust.

Before this moment, no matter how painful the search was, he always had hope in his heart. When he finally arrived, maybe she had returned from another route and was waiting for her grandfather here.

Even though he knew that this hope was extremely slim, when it really came to nothing, at this moment, he stopped in front of this deserted hut. He couldn’t tell whether it was the fatigue accumulated over the past few days or the unprecedented self-blame that suddenly pressed down on him like a mountain.

Neighbors living nearby said that the grandfather and grandson came here three years ago. At that time, the two were passing by the neighborhood, and the young man fell ill. They found this place and stayed here for more than half a month. After his health gradually improved, they decided to settle down. The villagers did not know the origins of this grandfather and grandson. They only knew that their surname was Ye and they were good at painting. In the past three years, the young man not only painted door gods for the villagers at their request, but also taught the children to read and write. The villagers respected them very much. But at the end of last year, the grandfather and grandson suddenly left again for some reason. Before leaving, they also gave away all the daily utensils in the house. They should not come back again.

“I don’t know where they are now. At the end of last year, my wife picked some peppercorns from the mountain. She was reluctant to sell them all, so she kept some for herself to make peppercorn wine for the new year. She said she wanted to send a pot to Young Master Ye so that he could drink it to ward off evil spirits. Then she remembered that the person had already gone, and she kept talking about it for a long time…”

The neighbor’s tone was full of regret.

Where did she go? Where is she now? Is she safe?

“Master! It’s already Fourth Month, you must hurry and get on the road. I will keep on the search for her.”

Pei Xiaoyuan suddenly heard He Jin reminding him softly.

He came back to his senses.

It had been quite a while since he came out, so Chengping and his party must have already arrived in the capital. The time left for him was indeed short. If he could not arrive on time as the deadline on the appointment letter stated, he would be stripped of his position at the least, or even convicted of a crime at the worst.

Before leaving, Pei Xiaoyuan gave the neighbor some money and asked him to take care of the hut and not let it be eroded by wind and rain. He also said that Young Master Ye was his sworn brother, and if he ever returned, he should go to the county office to pass on the news. Then he rushed to the county office outside the mountain without stopping, stated his identity, and asked him to send any news they received to the Jinwu Guard in the capital via post.

The search for the person ended in vain.

The deadline according to the appointment letter was approaching and there was no time to delay. He did not stop for a moment and changed direction that day, heading for the capital.

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