Thousand Verdant Mountains

Thousand Verdant Mountains – Chapter 10

Chapter 10


Chengping was bound with ropes and tied to a horse, being brought in this direction. His face was full of anger as he struggled fiercely, cursing at the thieves and dogs. Despite his strength, he couldn’t break free from the tight bindings. While struggling, he looked up and saw Pei Xiaoyuan, and immediately shouted: “These thieves and dogs set up a tripwire, I fell into their hands unawares! You don’t have to worry about me. Let’s see if they dare to kill me!”

Pei Xiaoyuan understood.

These were this man’s accomplices, or rather, his followers. Seeing that he was captured, they did not dare to approach rashly. Chengping happened to hear the sound of the deer whistle and rushed over, unconsciously setting a tripwire, allowing them to catch him.

As for the purpose, it was obvious.

Sure enough, those people stopped in front of him, and one of them who looked like the leader bowed to him and said respectfully: “Master Pei, we apologize for offending His Highness. I hope you will forgive us. As long as Master Pei is willing to let us go, we will leave immediately and dare not touch a single hair of His Highness’ hair.”

Chengping’s forehead was throbbing with anger, and just as he was about to curse again, his mouth was blocked by a gag by someone nearby, and his face immediately turned red.

Pei Xiaoyuan glanced at the man in blue.

He was seriously injured, with two wounds on his body bleeding profusely. An ordinary person would have fallen down long ago, but he was still able to stand, and his demeanor still maintained such a graceful manner, without any sign of frowning. It must be said that he was a very ruthless person.

Cheng Ping shook his head desperately at Pei Xiaoyuan again, making a whimpering sound.

Pei Xiaoyuan sheathed his sword without any hesitation.

Those people were ecstatic, but seemed a little bit unconvinced. They hesitated and said, “You let people go first!”

As soon as the words fell, the man in blue showed an angry look on his face: “Presumptuous! Who do you think Master Pei is? How dare you judge others by your own standards?”

The leader was scolded and panicked. Without hesitation, he immediately went up to put Chengping off his horse. A group of people followed closely. Two people supported the young man in blue on both sides, while the leader drew his sword and cut off the arrow shaft that pierced his leg with one swipe. Another person took out the wound medicine from a leather bag tied to his waist belt, first stopped the bleeding and bandaged the wound, then protected the man in blue in the middle and carried him away. The whole process was very fast, without any noise.

It was obvious that the man in blue could no longer hold on. His eyes were half-open and half-closed throughout the whole process, his head and neck drooped limply, and his expression was listless. It wasn’t until he was placed on the horse’s back that he forced himself to sit upright. He turned back, casting a deep, heavy glance at Pei Xiaoyuan, before being escorted away by the leader and several others.

Pei Xiaoyuan came to Chengping, pulled out his knife, and cut the ropes that bound him. After Chengping’s hands were free, he pulled out the gag himself, and with a gloomy face, he jumped up from the ground and climbed onto the horse.

“No need to chase!” Pei Xiaoyuan called out to him.

Chengping said nothing, his face turned red as if blood was about to drip out, and he kicked the horse’s belly with his heel to urge the horse to go forward.

Pei Xiaoyuan grabbed the reins with his right hand and pulled them, stopping the yellow horse that was about to raise its hooves.

“These people have steady pace, skilled in handling injuries, and work together seamlessly. They look like veterans who have been through many battles and dare to die. People who can survive will only aim to kill, and are as cunning as foxes, they’re not easy to deal with. Besides, you should be able to see that they are all death warriors who obey that man’s orders. We are not many in number, and it will be dark soon. It will be difficult to catch up. If he has ulterior motives, this time he misses, there must be a next time. It won’t be too late to deal with him slowly then. There’s no need to make trouble today. It’s important to find Miss Ye!”

Cheng Ping looked ahead at the group of people who had become small dots. After a moment, he slowly turned to Pei Xiao Yuan with a look of deep shame in his eyes. Before he could speak, Pei Xiao Yuan smiled and said, “Don’t say anything. I really don’t blame you. I didn’t expect his men to react so quickly. They figured out this trick to trip you in such a short time. If it was me, it would be hard to avoid it. You’re lucky to be alright. Now calm down and go and see if Uncle He has found anything.”

He Jin didn’t gain anything either.

It was too deserted here. He had walked farther than Chengping and had just come here following the sound of the deer whistle. He didn’t know about the accident that happened a moment ago. Hearing what Chengping said, he was shocked and angry while he looked around.

“What did he want? Master, did you ask just now?”

Pei Xiaoyuan shook his head slightly, “He’s a tough guy and won’t speak easily.”

Moreover, the other party obviously knew a lot about him, and it was almost certain that he was coming for him. In order to avoid causing He Jin more worries, he did not mention this.

But even so, He Jin was still worried.

“Master, you never like to bring anyone with you when you go out. You should bring more in the future. Don’t be careless!”

Pei Xiaoyuan nodded, turned the topic back to the matter of finding people, and quickly returned.

The sun had completely set, dusk was all around, and night was falling quickly. They continued searching for a while, and then everything was dark.

They left in a hurry in the morning, and did not expect such a result. They did not plan to travel for so long, and only ate some food at the inn during the day, right now they were already hungry. He Jin suggested going back to report to the county governor first, anyway, there was another possibility. If she took the other route, then the people sent out might have already found her, only they just hadn’t received the news yet.

Pei Xiaoyuan stopped his horse on the road and looked around at the dark surroundings.

That was all they can do today.

Now his biggest hope was that what Jin said would really happen, and when he returned, he would receive the news that she had been found. Otherwise, he couldn’t imagine how a woman like her could travel alone on such a desolate road. Even if she had specifically emphasized in the letter that there was no need to worry, he couldn’t feel at ease.

If anything happened to her, it would be his fault, an unforgivable crime.

On the way back, they rode their horses and it was already late at night when they got back. Before they reached the county governor’s mansion, they learned from the city guard that the people who had taken the other road that night had send in the news, but like them, they also didn’t find anyone.

Chengping looked extremely depressed. Pei Xiaoyuan knew that he was blaming himself. He forced himself to cheer up and was about to say that he would continue tomorrow when he heard the city guard say, “There is one more thing. Military Commissioner Linghu came here during the day.”

“Do you know what it’s all about?”

“This subordinate doesn’t know. But it doesn’t look like it’s official business. Not long after arriving, the county governor sent the people out of the city. It seems like they were just passing by.”

Military Commissioner referred to by the city guard was Linghu Gong, the military commissioner of Ganliang, who governed the Ganliang area including Weiyuan. Pei Ji had been here for many years and had never been transferred to a new position, but the military commissioner above him had been replaced several times.

The importance of this place to the entire empire was self-evident. Anyone who could sit in this position was very likely to become a grand chancellor in the future, so he was naturally not an ordinary person.

Now, speaking of this Linghu Gong, he could be regarded as Pei Ji’s disciple.

When Pei Ji turned the tide in the chaos and became famous, Linghu Gong was just an ordinary general under him. Three years ago, during the war against Xifan, the crown prince assumed the role general-in-chief, overseeing from the rear, and Linghu Gong was the deputy general-in-chief, the actual leader of the battle. After the war, he was promoted due to his achievements and came here, becoming Pei Ji’s superior. Furthermore, during that war, Pei Xiaoyuan, due to Linghu Gong’s position as deputy general-in-Chief, also served under him, so the two sides could be said to have a long history.

However, for well-known reasons, he, like his predecessors, rarely had any private contact with Pei Ji. Why did he suddenly come today?

He Jin looked at Pei Xiaoyuan in confusion.

“Let’s go, we’ll know when we get back.”

He Jin sent Chengping to the posthouse to rest, while Pei Xiaoyuan returned to the county governor’s mansion. Qingtou was guarding the gate, looking around. When he saw him, he ran out to greet him.

“Master, you’re back! County Governor wants you to go to his place!”

The door of the study was wide open. Pei Xiaoyuan hurried over and saw Pei Ji standing with his back to the door, looking up slightly, and looking at a portrait hanging on the wall.

It was the portrait that Miss Ye left behind this morning.

The night wind was blowing, the lights were flickering, but Pei Ji’s back remained motionless.

Pei Xiaoyuan was afraid of disturbing him, so he quietly stopped outside the door. Suddenly, he heard Pei Ji ask, “You didn’t find the person?”

He said no, then stepped inside and immediately explained: “I came back to make some preparations and will set off again tomorrow morning.”

Pei Ji didn’t say anything more.

He did not mention Linghu Gong’s visit during the day, so Pei Xiaoyuan did not ask. He stopped beside him and looked at the painting in front of him.

After a long time, he heard Pei Ji sigh softly.

“When she came to see me that morning, I just casually mentioned that I wanted her to paint my portrait in the future, but she actually took it to heart. Even before she decided to leave, she still painted my portrait first. A portrait of this size would take a skilled painter ten days to half a month, but she finished it in just a few days, and it was so exquisite, not a hasty job at all. No wonder she didn’t go out the door for those few days. She must have been so sleepless and exhausted!”

Pei Xiaoyuan remained silent. The guilt was like a mountain, weighing heavily on his heart.

“This reminds me of the time when Ye Zhongli painted the long scroll of Celestial Being and The Capital. He also stayed in seclusion and completed it in one go. At that time, I estimated that it would take at least three to four months to complete the murals in Yong’an Hall, but he finished it in just over a month. He even vomited blood on the spot when he came out. His poor health now is also caused by that time. Xuyu is indeed an excellent student trained by good teacher, but I feel even more distressed when I think that she had to work so hard to paint because of what I said.”

Pei Xiaoyuan felt that he had committed a heinous crime and said again: “Tomorrow I will…”

He glanced at Pei Ji and changed his words, “Uncle, don’t worry too much. I’ll get ready and set off tonight to look for her again! I won’t I come back until I can find her!”

Pei Ji turned and glanced at him.

“It doesn’t have to be that way.

“After you left during the day, I looked at the paintings and read her letter again, and I realized something else. Xuyu has a broad vision, a strong character, and high ambitions. Not to mention ordinary women, even many men in this world may not be able to compare with her. I was thinking that maybe I really misunderstood her before. Her proposal to terminate the engagement may not be entirely due to misunderstanding. Maybe it’s just as she said at the time, she did not come here to marry you.”

Pei Xiaoyuan paused and fell silent again.

Pei Ji’s gaze fell on his face.

“I know you must feel guilty about this. This morning, I was too anxious and said something too harshly. Little Ashina has already explained it to me. Well, you don’t have to blame yourself too much. Forcing her to come back may not be what she wants. Keep looking for her tomorrow. If you can meet her, don’t force her to stay. Sending her back may be more to her liking.”

“I understand and will follow Uncle’s orders.”

Pei Xiaoyuan responded respectfully, paused, and asked, “I heard that Military Commissioner came today? Qingtou said that Uncle wanted to see me.”

Pei Ji nodded slightly: “Yes.”

“May I ask Uncle, what’s the matter?”

He knew that Pei Ji had submitted several petitions in recent years, requesting retirement on the grounds of old age, but for some reason, each petition fell on deaf ears and no response was received.

Could it be that this time there was finally a reply, and Linghu Gong came here to convey the will of the person sitting in the Purple Palace?

Pei Ji looked at him, his eyes gradually revealing some complexity, and finally he shook his head.

“Linghu Gong came here today not for me, but for you.

“The court summoned you to join the Jinwu Guard. The appointment letter has been sent from the capital. He delivered it personally.”

Pei Xiaoyuan was slightly stunned.

“You didn’t expect that?

“Not only you, but I was also quite surprised.”

Linghu Gong came during the day, and although he did not sit for long, he vaguely revealed to Pei Ji some of the reasons behind this notice during the conversation.

Among the many duties of the Jinwu Guard, one was to directly take charge of protecting the Son of Heaven, so they could be said to be the closest of the emperor’s closest ministers. Many officials of the dynasty, even high-ranking officials such as the grand chancellor, high official and the local military commissioner, had served in the Jinwu Guard in their early years, so the annual recruitment became a battlefield for nobles to fight for the opportunity for their children to enter the government.

This year, as in previous years, the list of candidates would be selected from the sons of nobles and those who had reported to have make military achievements from below. Since three years ago Pei Xiaoyuan had also on the list because of his military achievements, but every time, he was not on the final list. The chief of staff of Jinwu Guard who was responsible for the initial list this year was a person who had just been promoted not long ago. For some reason, perhaps because he was unaware of the situation, he mistakenly entered his name into the list and handed it to Jinwu General Han Kerang. Han Kerang trusted his subordinates too much and did not look at it carefully, and directly handed the list to the palace.

Because the Jinwu Guard was directly under the emperor, unlike the general military officers of the imperial court, they were not appointed by the Ministry of War after a series of review procedures. Instead, the Jinwu Guard prepared a list and submitted it to the Palace Office for approval. After the list was submitted, it was issued by the Palace Office a few days later without the imperial brush touching it. Only then did everyone realize that Pei Xiaoyuan’s name was on the list.

The Shenhu General Pei Gu and his last battle, the Battle of Beiyuan, which ended in failure, had long been forgotten and faded from people’s memory. It was like a taboo that no one in the court would ever mention again in public. This time, it surfaced again overnight due to this accident, and it caused a huge uproar. The one who reacted the most was the crown prince’s uncle, Grand Chancellor Liu Ceye. It was said that he immediately went to Eunuch Yuan Zhi of the Palace Office to ask for details. Yuan Zhi said that the emperor happened to be in seclusion and the list was put down by him through the curtain. Three days later, it was still outside the curtain. The emperor had not touched it. He only said one sentence, the Jinwu Guards could be decided by themselves.

Jinwu General Han Kerang then realized that he had made a big mistake. But even if there were mistakes in the list, it had passed the imperial approval. Even if the emperor had not open to read it personally, it should be regarded as approval. How dare he make changes without authorization? Liu Ceye asked him to meet the emperor to correct the mistake. How could the son of a guilty general be qualified to join the Jinwu Guard. Unexpectedly, this move aroused the dissatisfaction of another person, that person was Wang Zhang, who was the grand chancellor together with Liu Ceye. Wang Zhang came out to object, saying that Pei Gu’s crime had not been pursued by the emperor back then, and this was known to the world. Now that his son had made military achievements for the country, why couldn’t he follow the system to join the Jinwu Guard? Once the system was established, it should be followed. Otherwise, wouldn’t it chill the hearts of countless soldiers in the army to serve the country?

The two argued over this, and after a few days of quarreling, they finally alerted the emperor. The emperor remained in seclusion and did not show up, so he asked the crown prince to handle the matter on his behalf. The crown prince finally ruled that the national system was the best, and summoned Pei Gu’s son, Pei Xiaoyuan, a seventh-rank cloud cavalry captain who was now far away in Ganliang, to serve in the Jinwu Guard.

Although the matter had been settled, from beginning to end, it could be said to be a big surprise among surprises, and the degree of absurdity was unprecedented in the past hundred years since the founding of this dynasty.

“In any case, if we talk about merit, your nephew should have been promoted three years ago, and this time he really deserves it. Although His Majesty’s longevity celebration has not yet arrived, the defense of the capital must be arranged in advance, and the Jinwu Guards are responsible for it, esteemed teacher must know this better than I do. It happened that I passed by today, so I brought the appointment letter here. The sooner your nephew gets it, the sooner he can leave, so as not to delay important matters.”

After saying this during the day, Linghu Gong stood up and hurriedly said goodbye.

Pei Ji explained the origin of the appointment letter, with a frown on his face.

“Although this appointment letter is the dream of countless noble sons, it may not be a good thing for you. Uncle has already thought about it. If you have no intention of returning to the capital, I will find a reason for you to resign!”

After he finished speaking, he saw his nephew’s eyes fixed on the candlelight on the table, his gaze was serious, and it seemed that he was not fully listening to what he just said.

“Xiaoyuan!” he called again, “Why aren’t you talking?”

Pei Xiaoyuan withdrew his gaze from the fire and looked at Pei Ji.

“If can return, why not return?”

He responded.

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