Reborn After Widowhood

Reborn After Widowhood – Chapter 196

Chapter 196 – The End


When Chen Jingzong just died in Baihe Ridge, he and more than five thousand wronged souls of Daxing Left Guard formed a fierce aura, and countless ghosts from the underworld who came to lead the souls could not get close.

If they were evil ghosts, the underworld would have ways to suppress them by force, but they were all good men who defended their country in their lifetime. The iron-willed soldiers became ghosts and were also treated favorably by the underworld.

Finally, the underworld sent a handsome judge with red lips and white teeth.

The handsome judge stood on the top of Baihe Ridge and smiled gently at the thousands of wronged souls surging like thick ink in the canyon: “Fourth brother, Second Brother came to see you, don’t you want to see me?”

As if there was a wind blowing, the thumbling and whistling wronged souls suddenly became quiet, and after a long time, a blood-red figure walked out of them.

Even though he had long since become indifferent to life and death, Chen Yanzong still felt a pain in his heart, flew to the blood-red figure, and stretched out his hand to hug it.

“The dead cannot be resurrected, please follow me, Fourth Brother.

“Evil has evil retribution, Qi Jin has his own endless purgatory waiting for him.

“You can’t see Grand Princess if you hover here. Follow me to the underworld. If you have the chance in the future, you may see her again.”

Chen Yanzong persuaded for three days, and Chen Jingzong’s soul, which had almost lost its mind, finally followed him to the underworld, and also took the soldiers of Daxing Left Guard with him.

Heroic souls like them could reincarnate at any time as long as they want.

The soldiers of Daxing Left Guard all chose this path, but Chen Jingzong was too obsessed, so he chose to take the official position in the underworld like his second brother.

Chen Jingzong first listened to the lectures of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva for a year, and finally shed his hostility.

Chen Jingzong spent another year familiarizing himself with the books of the underworld and passed the exam to become a small ghost attendant.

The ghost attendant was responsible for guiding souls from the mortal world. Because Chen Jingzong always neglected his duties and wanted to go to the capital, he received several reprimands. After repeated persuasion from Chen Yanzong, Chen Jingzong finally suppressed his mortal heart and worked diligently. Finally, in the third year of entering the underworld, he was promoted to a ghost general with his good skills.

With a high official position, Chen Jingzong also had some privileges. For example, he now had the right to visit relatives and friends in the world once a month.

This power was also accompanied by multiple restrictions. For example, you could only visit one person at a time. When visiting, you must not show up to disturb the mortals, nor interfere with that person’s life.

“Who does Fourth Brother want to see first?”

Before Chen Jingzong set off, Chen Yanzong came to see him off and asked with a smile.

Chen Jingzong was dressed in black, and his face was pale, which was common among the people in the underworld, but when it came to him, it only added a bit of coldness and evil.

Chen Yanzong patted his brother’s shoulder and reminded him again of the various rules of this visit.

Chen Jingzong: “I know.”

After the brothers said goodbye, a dark light flashed on Chen Jingzong’s body, and he disappeared from Chen Yanzong’s sight.

The person Chen Jingzong was going to see this time was Hua Yang. A day started from midnight and ended at dawn the next day.

In Grand Princess Mansion, Hua Yang was still asleep.

Chen Jingzong sat on the edge of the bed, his eyes swept over the familiar yet unfamiliar decorations one by one. The grand princess was still living a life of luxury, even the hanging gauze curtains were all her favorite Shu brocade.

Finally, Chen Jingzong’s eyes fell on her.

He stretched out his hand, but because he didn’t have a solid body, his slender hand just penetrated her face.

Chen Jingzong laughed at himself.

When he couldn’t see the person, he thought he would be content just to see her, but when he really saw her, he began to have other greedy thoughts, wanting to hold her in his arms and wanting her fiercely.

Chen Jingzong could be willful. At most, he would violate the precepts once and be punished for a period of time.

Chen Jingzong was not afraid of being punished, but he was afraid that if he suddenly appeared, he would scare her to death. A mother might not be afraid of her son’s ghost, but how could a wife not be afraid, especially a noble princess like her who didn’t care about her husband at all.

Chen Jingzong didn’t want to scare her.

At dawn, the grand princess lazily got up from bed. The twenty-four-year-old princess was more beautiful and gorgeous than when she was seventeen or eighteen, and it was easier to arouse Chen Jingzong’s desire.

On one hand, she was terrified until her face lost all color, but he was very happy. On the other hand, he was shackled and whipped by ghosts.

Chen Jingzong wavered again and again, and was tempted by her again and again.

He didn’t want to bully her when he was alive, so why couldn’t he bear it after he became a ghost?

The grand princess received an invitation from Eldest Princess Anle, and then she went out.

Chen Jingzong also followed Hua Yang to Eldest Princess Mansion. He sat beside her and watched her gradually reveal an obsessed gaze at the two wrestling strong guards!

She slyly covered her face with a round fan, but Chen Jingzong could see it clearly. Her face was flushed, and her breathing also hinted that she was arouse!

Chen Jingzong endured for half a night and two hours in the morning, but he never expected to see this scene!

If there were no one around her, Chen Jingzong would have shown up right now, and dared to press her down on this Arhat bed, and dared to let her experience firsthand the merits of a ghost general from the underworld!

She actually dared to watch!

Just when Chen Jingzong was about to be pissed off by her, the ghost general waist badge on his body suddenly flashed with golden light.

The golden light means that a person with great merit within the surroundings had passed away and was to be taken to the underworld.

For such a person with great merit, ordinary ghosts could not bear the golden light on their body, and at least a ghost general was needed.

Chen Jingzong was the ghost general closest to him at this moment.

Chen Jingzong stared at the grand princess in front of him, and absent-mindedly touched the waist badge. With this touch, the identity information of the deceased person with great merit flooded into his mind.

Like a bucket of cold water poured on his head, Chen Jingzong took a last look at Hua Yang and turned to leave.

He returned to the familiar Chen Mansion and came to Chunhe Hall, where he saw the old man’s soul sitting dejectedly by the bed, trying to comfort his mother who was crying on him.

Chen Jingzong looked at this circle of relatives in silence.

After a long time, Chen Tingjian finally found his fourth son dressed in black.

A gleam of light burst out from the old man’s tearful eyes.

Chen Jingzong sneered: “The majestic Chief Minister actually died of this disease. You are truly capable.”

Chen Tingjian: …

His face darkened: “What are you doing here?”

Chen Jingzong threw his waist pendant over: “Don’t worry, it’s purely for official business, not to pick you up on purpose.”

Chen Tingjian looked over and over again, thinking that his son could become a ghost general after becoming a ghost, and a sense of relief passed quietly in his eyes.

Chen Jingzong: “Let’s go, your death is a big deal, the underworld is waiting, don’t delay.”

Chen Tingjian looked at his wife and children and grandchildren again.

Chen Jingzong: “I’ll give you another quarter of an hour.”

For the old man, and for him.

A quarter of an hour later, the two left.

In the underworld, the souls of several generations of emperors of this dynasty came, from Taizu, Chengzu, to Shizong and the late emperor.

Chen Jingzong had long known that these emperors all had mansions in the underworld. Some were as magnificent as palaces on earth, while others, because their crimes were greater than their merits, only had a thatched hut.

When Chen Tingjian saw this group of emperors, he immediately forgot about his son and was busy kneeling down to pay homage.

As a result, the house that Chen Tingjian was assigned to was actually bigger than those of several emperors!

The late emperor: …

When the two families were married, Chen Tingjian was marrying up to him. After he died, looking at the size of this house, it was clear that he married up to the Chen family!


Since the old man died, Chen Jingzong had not visited the mortal world, because he guessed that both his own family and Hua Yang must be grieving for the old man.

As a result, not long after, the eldest brother and mother also came to the underworld, and the old man took them to his mansion with mixed feelings.

“What’s wrong with the Old One?” Chen Tingjian asked.

Chen Bozong was full of anger and didn’t even want to pay attention to the old man.

Chen Yanzong looked at his fourth brother and explained to his father: “People who died unjustly are like this. When Fourth Brother first came, he was more angry than Eldest Brother. Just let him listen to the scriptures.”

After that, he took the eldest brother to listen to the scriptures first.

Sun shi scolded the old man and blamed him for teaching a good emperor who repays kindness with enmity. The late emperor was about to come over to try to understand the situation, but then heard Sun shi‘s loud voice outside the yard. When he learned what good thing his son had done, the late emperor was too embarrassed to come in and left in disgrace.

Chen Jingzong went down to earth again. This time he wanted to meet Emperor Yuanyou, but the emperor was protected by the national destiny, so Chen Jingzong could not get close to Emperor Yuanyou, and went to Hua Yang again instead.

This time, Chen Jingzong saw a sickly grand princess, who sent her third brother and others out of the city in the heavy snow, and cried quietly alone in the dead of night.

Chen Jingzong was very upset.

In the First Month, Chen Jingzong had not yet gone down to mortal world, but Qi Jin came first.

Chen Jingzong directly tied Qi Jin to the eighteen levels of hell and called his eldest brother. The two brothers took turns to torture Qi Jin.

Because of Qi Jin, Chen Jingzong did not go to visit anyone. Apart from doing his job, he would just beat Qi Jin. A soul would no longer die, but it could endure the pain of punishment over and over again. Chen Jingzong would peel Qi Jin’s skin today and pull out his bones again the next day. In just two months, Chen Jingzong’s resentment had become heavier. Chen Yanzong was worried that his brother would be blinded by hatred, so he dragged Chen Jingzong to listen to the scriptures from Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

After listening to the scriptures that day, a little ghost in his mansion ran over excitedly and stuffed a box into Chen Jingzong’s hand: “General, someone burned silver notes for you!”

Chen Jingzong opened the box, and there was indeed a thick stack of ghost money inside, and there was a letter on top of it.

Chen Jingzong’s heart moved, and he disappeared with the box.

He returned to his mansion.

The letter was written by Hua Yang. He had been dead for more than three years, and this was the first time Hua Yang burned a letter for him, but on the other hand, the ghost money had been burned piles after piles.

Chen Jingzong held the envelope, imagined various possibilities, and finally tore open the seal.

There was a simple sentence on the letter — Chen Jingzong, if there is an afterlife, I still want to marry you.

Chen Jingzong was stunned for a long time.

She still wants to marry him?

Why wait for the afterlife!


Maybe because she went to the Chen family cemetery during the day, but Hua Yang suffered from insomnia again that night.

Not only did she miss Chen Jingzong, but she also missed her father-in-law and mother-in-law, Chen Bozong, and the scenes of them getting along with her when they were still alive.

Tossing and turning, Hua Yang sighed. Such a sleepless night was really tormenting.

She got up to pour water. Holding the tea cup, she walked to the window. There was a waning moon in the sky, and the moon was as cool as water.

After standing there for a while, Hua Yang was ready to sleep again. She put the tea cup back on the table, but found an extra note on the table, which read: Now I am working in the underworld. If you’re not afraid, I can show up to meet you, Chen Jingzong.

Hua Yang’s whole body froze, and then she looked around.

There was silence all around, and Hua Yang couldn’t hide her nervousness, but she couldn’t quite tell how much of it was fear and how much of it was joy.

She looked at the note again.

The position of the note had not changed, but the words on it had changed: I look no different now than when I was alive, so don’t think too much.

Hua Yang’s eyes suddenly became wet. So, can we really see each other again?

With her strength depleted, Hua Yang slowly sat down, supporting herself on the back of a chair. She looked at the note and asked tentatively: “You have been working in the underworld for the past three years? Why are you only contacting me now?”

The ink on the note disappeared, and after a moment it gathered into new words: I was promoted this year, so I can return to the mortal world once a month. I came to see you because I received your letter.

Hua Yang: …

He actually received the letter.

If she had known this, she might not have written it like that.

Hua Yang turned her face away, but she could not hide the increasingly obvious blush.

There was a deep voice beside her ear: “Does Grand Princess regret it?”

The clear words, with a bit of teasing and provocation, hit her heart more directly than the words on the note.

Hua Yang trembled uncontrollably.

She could hear the man’s obvious breathing beside her ear, and a pair of hands also grasped her shoulders and turned her around forcefully.

Hua Yang couldn’t see anything, but the more so, the more it made her heart throb.

Chen Jingzong had never been an elegant person. Every time he was with her, he wanted to do that one thing the most.

If the princess was afraid or tried to resist, he would let go immediately, but she just closes her eyes and blushes.

Was it because she had spent three years of long lonely nights, so she longed for his company? Or was it because he had stumbled on that letter she had written, leaving her unable to maintain the dignified composure of a grand princess?

Chen Jingzong didn’t know, and didn’t want to waste his time guessing. Even the rules and regulations of the underworld were thrown behind his mind.

He appeared and held her hot face.

A cool kiss fell on her lips. Hua Yang quietly opened her eyes and actually saw him, as handsome as when he was still alive.

“If you regret it, it’s not too late now.” While he still had a trace of reason, Chen Jingzong put his forehead against hers and gave her one last chance.

Hua Yang said nothing, just closed her eyes and hugged his shoulders tightly.

Chen Jingzong then carried her to the bed.

The prince consort who became a ghost general still didn’t know how to cherish women. It was Hua Yang who changed. She cherished this opportunity to meet again. She was willing to tolerate all his rudeness and urgency.

Obviously, his whole body was cold, but she sweated again and again.

“Tell me, how much do you owe me.”

Although the grand princess was extremely obedient, Chen Jingzong couldn’t help but settle the old accounts with her, and settled it fiercely.

The grand princess, whose wrist was restrained, sobbed softly, feeling both pain and joyful.

Was she owed him?

Then come and take revenge, as many times as needed, as long as he comes, as long as he’s always there.

– The End –

Translator’s note:

It’s finally over! Wow so many variations of timelines, from to the main story, to the continuation of the past life, to the double rebirth of CJZ and HY, to the continuation of continuation of the past life, the author really want to stretched up this story.

So many things happened while I’m translating this novel, I’m glad that I can finish it.

Don’t forget to check the new novel, it’s truly a gem!

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9 thoughts on “Reborn After Widowhood – Chapter 196

  1. thanks for the hard work translator, i really enjoyed reading this novel
    this last chapter feels like a fever dream

  2. Thanks for translating to the end, it was truly a lovely novel. This last chapter was one of the best imo, with CJZ classic jibe to his dad upon death. I really liked the story very much and will reread this many times.
    I am looking forward to the new novel too, very interesting so far.

    Your translation work is beautifully done, keep upnthe good work!!

  3. Thank you so much for the translation! I just binged it in the last few days. So many different possible timelines!

  4. thank you for the hard work!! i mtled the few last chapters but reading it properly is so fulfilling 🫶🏻

    1. Thank you for the beautiful translation! Enjoyed the novel greatly! Looking forward to your next translation work 😁

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