Reborn After Widowhood

Reborn After Widowhood – Chapter 192

Chapter 192 – Double Rebirth 2


Even if he died and lived another lifetime, Chen Jingzong would never forget his wedding night with Hua Yang.

That night, he should be like all the grooms who got married for the first time, as if he had lost his mind and only thought about one thing.

He didn’t even have time to appreciate the princess’s beauty. As soon as she said they could sleep go to bed, Chen Jingzong pushed her down on the bed and started…

This time, Chen Jingzong still wanted to do that with her, but he was no longer in a hurry. He wanted to hug her first and take a good look at her.

If he hadn’t inexplicably come back, he would have died in Baihe Ridge and would never see this ancestor again.

Chen Jingzong hugged her and laid her in the crook of his arms.

The princess’s face was highlighted with a beautiful blush, reflected by the red clothes she was wearing.

Chen Jingzong touched this slightly hot face with his big calloused hand.

He really wanted to ask, if she knew that he died on the battlefield, would she cry, and would she regret not saying a word to him when they parted.

However, the Hua Yang here was only the seventeen-year-old Hua Yang, the newly married Hua Yang, who had not quarreled with him every other day, and had not disliked him for every little thing.

He could correct those shortcomings in advance, but he would never see that Hua Yang again.

How strange, he obviously disliked her delicate problems, but in the end, he still couldn’t let go.

The more he couldn’t let go, the less anxious Chen Jingzong to do anything to this Hua Yang.

He knew that the two Hua Yangs were essentially the same person. If he continued to be deliberately unrefined like in his previous life, this Hua Yang would also become disgusted with him.

But he still worried about what would happen to that Hua Yang when he died, what if she cries, what if she never remarries in her life and lives alone until old age?

Or, what if she falls in love and remarries someone else, or even keeps many lovers?

Chen Jingzong didn’t want either of them. But if he had to choose one of the two, then just let her do whatever she wanted. Anyway, he was gone, so why should he care.

Hua Yang, lying in Chen Jingzong’s arms, felt hotter and hotter, especially because his hands were still touching her face. The movements were very light, but it made her feel itchy.

This night in the previous life was obviously not like this.

Hua Yang opened her eyes slightly.

She saw the twenty-year-old Chen Jingzong, the Chen Jingzong who was looking at her but seemed a little confused.

Hua Yang didn’t know what he was thinking, and she forgot to guess, because when she saw this familiar face clearly, Hua Yang thought of the miserable prince consort who never came back in the previous life.

He died just like that, alone in Baihe Ridge.

Dying outside at such a young age, he must have been very sad, right? He must have missed his family, but did he miss her too?

Hua Yang wanted to asked, did he think about her. When he thought about her, did he complain? Perhaps he also regretted it, regretted how he ended up marrying such a princess—one who wasn’t gentle or considerate and who never even once let him fully enjoy being a groom.

But this Chen Jingzong was not the twenty-four-year-old Chen Jingzong. He didn’t know how hard his life was in the previous life.

The wine was burning in her body and also raging in her mind. Hua Yang, feeling dizzy, stretched out her hand to the familiar handsome face.

The sudden touch woke up Chen Jingzong from his wandering mind. At this moment, he realized that the little princess in his arms was touching his face.

There were tears in her eyes. She looked at him in a daze, but it seemed like she was looking at someone else.

Chen Jingzong felt something was wrong again.

He looked at the wine pot on the table. In his previous life, there was no wine sent by Princess Anle. She was cold and majestic. He just took off his clothes and was glared at countless times. And she did not take the initiative to touch him except for pushing him away.

Is there something wrong with the wine?

Was she drunk? Did she mistake him for someone else when she was drunk?

Even though Qi Jin provoked him several times, Chen Jingzong never actually believed that she liked Qi Jin, because she was not the kind of person who would sacrifice her feelings for the sake of marriage alliance.

Chen Jingzong grabbed her wrist and asked seductively: “Who am I?”

No matter how drunk or dizzy Hua Yang was, she knew the answer to this question: “Chen Jingzong.”

She looked very well behaved now, and Chen Jingzong guessed that maybe she was just drunk. Some people would act crazy when they were drunk, and some would show another temperament.

It was the first time that Chen Jingzong saw her drunk.

He decided to take advantage of this opportunity and continued to ask: “Touching my face right after we got married. Do you like me so much, Princess?”

Hua Yang looked at him and said nothing.

Chen Jingzong lowered his head and rubbed her red cheeks with his lips: “Do you like me so much?”

Hua Yang was still silent.

She didn’t like him very much, she just felt pity for him.

Chen Jingzong knew that the drunk princess was not so easy to bully.

He no longer thought about those things, and kissed her lips with a faint smell of wine while undressing her.

The second time he became a groom, Chen Jingzong had a lot more patience, but he unexpectedly found that the drunk princess seemed very anxious. He was still kissing her ear slowly, but she already hooked his neck and pressed her whole body against him.

Chen Jingzong felt so strange that he held her wrists, propped up his body, and looked at her face inquiringly.

She was about to cry in her anxiousness, struggling hard and in vain with her wrists. Her phoenix eyes looked at him wetly, and her face was abnormally red.

Chen Jingzong looked at the wine on the table again, and then thought about Princess Anle’s preferences, and guessed that the wine might not be a decent Western wine.

“Silly, you dare to drink that kind of wine.” Chen Jingzong bit her nose as if to punish her.

Hua Yang raised her chin and offered her red lips directly.

Chen Jingzong’s throat rolled, and his eyes also burned with fire.

Heavens have mercy on him, he never had a full meal in his previous life!

Chao Yun, Chao Yue and other two maids were still guarding in the yard.

They knew their princess’ temper, and thought that the princess had just met the prince consort tonight, and it might not be long before she would ask them to prepare water.

Then, they all heard their princess’ voice.

It was a voice and tone that they had never heard in the ten years of serving the princess. It seemed uncomfortable, but also seemed very happy.

The princess should be reserved, whether she was happy or angry, she should always be graceful. But the princess tonight seemed like a different person, she was unrestrained, and forgot all the etiquette and postures that a princess should have.

Did the princess like prince consort so much, or prince consort’s skill was too good, making the princess like him to such an extent?

The four maids exchanged glances for a moment, then dispersed and walked around the Siyi Hall to make sure that the princess’s voice would not be heard too far. Then the four loyal girls gathered at the corner of the corridor again, looking at each other, blushing and hearts pounding from the noises they overheard. They were genuinely happy for the princess, who had chosen a consort both handsome and capable.


At dawn, Hua Yang was awakened by Chen Jingzong’s kiss. When she realized his action, Chen Jingzong took it even deeper before she opened her eyes.

Hua Yang frowned.

Chen Jingzong had been watching her. Last night, she was affected by the drug in the wine and didn’t act like herself. Chen Jingzong wanted to serve her again when she was sober. Only when she experienced the benefits of this thing that she would not resist it again.

“Is Princess awake?” Chen Jingzong slowly served her while talking to her.

Hua Yang closed her eyes and didn’t want to pay attention to him.

Chen Jingzong insisted on paying attention to her: “Last night, Princess was drunk and didn’t seem to be very sober. You were unable to check this minister’s ability to serve you in bed, so this minister thought that this minister should serve Princess again while it’s still early.”

Hua Yang’s neck turned red. This guy’s mouth was still so annoying, she really wanted to feed him a mute poison.

“Shut up.” Before he could say more, Hua Yang ordered coldly.

Chen Jingzong felt a little wronged: “Last night, Princess didn’t treat this minister like this.”

Hua Yang didn’t remember last night very clearly. All she could remember were some unbearable pictures.

But now, she was very sober and clearly felt the difference between the two lives in this regard.

In the end, she hugged Chen Jingzong’s shoulders tightly and restrained herself from letting out a few whimpers.

Because of this restraint, her whole body was almost wet with sweat, and a strand of hair stuck to her sweaty cheek.

Chen Jingzong pushed aside the strand of hair and kissed her from her forehead to her chin, and then upwards, making a whole circle: “Good ancestor, you are really my good ancestor.”

Fortunately, he did not make a mistake and did not deliberately make a fool of himself when they met.

Hua Yang waited until he had kissed enough before asking him to put on his clothes. She wanted to call the maids in to help her take a bath.

Chen Jingzong looked at the sky and did not pester her anymore.

Hua Yang soaked in the warm water for half an hour, and the soreness in various parts of her body was finally relieved. After taking the bath she felt hungry, so she ate something first and then followed Chen Jingzong to Chunhe Hall to offer tea.

Filial piety always came first. On the first day of marriage, the princess also had to offer tea to her parents-in-law, but in the future, she did not have to visit her parents-in-law every morning and evening like other daughters-in-law.

On the way, Chen Jingzong walked beside her, looking at her from time to time while showing a silly smile.

Hua Yang glared at him unhappily.

Chen Jingzong still smiled, approached her and said: “Princess, don’t worry. Although I haven’t read much, I will try my best to be a good prince consort. I will listen to you in everything. If you tell me to go east, I will never go west.”

Hua Yang looked him up and down.

Where was Chen Jingzong behaved like this in her previous life?

Back then, because Chen Jingzong was forced to interrupt after just a while, Chen Jingzong tried to hug her several times throughout the night, but she stopped him coldly every time. As a result, early the next morning, when they faced each other again, Chen Jingzong showing a face full of unfulfilled desire and resentment, while Hua Yang was equally annoyed at not getting a good night’s sleep.

Now that she had satisfied Chen Jingzong, he was willing to say such spineless words.

Hua Yang stopped looking at him and concentrated on walking.

Chen Jingzong walked a little ahead and led the way for her: “This way.”

Hua Yang acted as if she had never been to the Chen Mansion.

Then they arrived at Chunhe Hall.

As soon as the young couple came over, Chen Tingjian led the family members inside to greet them and saluted the princess respectfully.

Hua Yang found that her mother-in-law, Sun shi, was holding an old lady with gray hair with her hands, and whispered to Chen Jingzong: “Who’s that old lady?”

Chen Jingzong smiled and said, “My grandmother.”

Princess Hua Yang, who was born noble and had been graceful since childhood, suddenly twisted her feet. If Chen Jingzong hadn’t helped her quickly, Hua Yang would have fell!

Although she was supported by Chen Jingzong, Hua Yang still couldn’t help shaking.

Chen Jingzong’s grandmother…

She had lived in the Chen family’s ancestral home in Lingzhou for so long to mourn for this old lady. In her heart, the “old lady” was equivalent to a dead person. Now this “dead person” suddenly appeared in front of her. It would be strange if she didn’t panic!

She knew that according to the time, the old lady was indeed still alive at this time, but no one told Hua Yang that the old lady had come to the capital, and that was why she was unprepared!

Chen Jingzong could see the paleness on her face and felt her slight trembling, and all this was because she saw his grandmother.

What’s so strange about his grandmother being here?


Chen Jingzong thought of the wedding nights that were very different in the two lives, thought of the extra pot of wine she prepared, thought of the fact that she wanted to touch his face after getting drunk, and thought of when he called her ancestor, she was not surprised at all.

His heart suddenly became chaotic, she was also reborn!

He was only come back because he died, so was she dead too? How could such a good princess die!

Hua Yang quickly returned to normal. She only felt glad that her father-in-law and the others were all lowering their heads. Except for Chen Jingzong and the maid behind her, no one noticed her gaffe just now.

“No need to be polite.”

Chen Tingjian and others stood up straight.

Hua Yang was very pleased to see her father-in-law who still had a head of black hair and an immortal-air appearance, to see her mother-in-law standing beside him with a smile on her face, and to see the eldest brother Chen Bozong, who was as strong as a pine and a bamboo.

Only the old lady of the Chen family, because she had never dealt with the living old lady in her previous life, Hua Yang was still a little scared to look at her carefully.

Everyone returned to the hall.

Hua Yang and Chen Jingzong knelt on the brocade cushion and served tea to the old lady and Chen Tingjian’s couple.

At this time, Hua Yang was a little absent-minded.

After the ceremony, Hua Yang secretly looked around at everyone in the room.

For no reason, the Chen family should not have such a big change, so the Chen family should also have a reborn person like her.

Whoever proposed to bring the old lady over was that person.

Sensing the little princess’s suspicion, Chen Jingzong clenched his hands. If he wanted to misguide her, he could mention the matter of his third brother previously went to pick up his grandmother.

But, was it necessary?

He wanted to see if Hua Yang knew that he was still the Chen Jingzong who often made her angry in the previous life, would she continue to dislike him and not allow him to get close.

What’s more, Chen Jingzong also wanted to know why she got reborn, and if someone really hurt her, he would avenge her.


After the morning banquet, Hua Yang sat alone with her mother-in-law for a while.

Hua Yang wanted to get close to her mother-in-law, and Sun shi also felt that this daughter-in-law princess was very approachable and didn’t have any princess airs.

After chatting about some family matters, Hua Yang asked: “I heard that the old lady always stayed in Lingzhou. When did she come to the capital?”

Sun shi smiled and said: “She just arrived a few days ago. She also came to live in the capital a few years ago, but the old lady couldn’t adapt to the climate here, so she went back. Princess didn’t know, Prince Consort lived in Lingzhou for a few years when he was a child, so he was closest to the old lady. This time he’s going to marry you, which is a great event that bring honor to our ancestor, so Prince Consort suggested to bring the old lady over so that she can enjoy the joyful event too.”

It’s not often that the Old Four have filial piety point. She had to brag to the princess!

Hua Yang: …

It turned out to be Chen Jingzong?

Half an hour later, Hua Yang finished talking to her mother-in-law. Sun shi sent her daughter-in-law out, and Chen Jingzong was waiting outside.

Hua Yang avoided his gaze.

The two returned to Siyi Hall in silence.

Hua Yang was very tired. She barely slept last night. She asked the maids to help her take off the pearl hairpin on her head, and then went to lie down on the bed.

But she was just lying there. In fact, she was very clear-headed as she recalled every scene she could remember from last night.

Now that she thought about it, Chen Jingzong had flaws in almost every aspect.

There was some noise outside, then Chen Jingzong came in.

Hua Yang closed her eyes silently.

The man’s footsteps soon came to the bedside. The bed sank as he sat down.

Hua Yang did not move.

Chen Jingzong looked at her face that seemed to be sleeping peacefully and sneered: “Stop pretending, I know you’re awake and I know you have found out.”

Hua Yang still did not respond.

Chen Jingzong: “Why, are you afraid of our old lady and also afraid of me, a ghost who has died once?”

Hua Yang knew that she could find Chen Jingzong’s flaws and Chen Jingzong could also find clues of her rebirth.

“Who is afraid? Everyone is the same.” Hua Yang said lightly.

Chen Jingzong frowned: “I died on the battlefield. How did you die?”

Hua Yang: “I died of illness. I had a very serious cold.”

In fact, she didn’t know whether she died of illness or not. Anyway, she came back, and Hua Yang didn’t want to lose to Chen Jingzong in terms of momentum. They both were ghosts now, so who was afraid of who.

Chen Jingzong: “What year did you die? You died of a cold, could it be that you lived to be seventy or eighty? I slept with an old lady last night?”

Hua Yang gritted her teeth and said after a while: “You are the old lady. I died in the Twelfth Month of third year of Yuanyou, which means I lived three years longer than you.”

Chen Jingzong: “That’s fine then, the same age as when I died. By the way, after I died, did you remarry?”

Hua Yang: “Hmm, married the new Zhuangyuan on the second year.”

Chen Jingzong: “Then his ability to serve in bed must not be very good, otherwise you wouldn’t be so greedy for me last night.”

Hua Yang sat up and grabbed the pillow and hit him.

Chen Jingzong grabbed the pillow and pulled it hard, and the princess who was still holding the other side of the pillow was also pulled towards him.

Chen Jingzong threw away the pillow and changed to hug her.

Hua Yang pushed him, and after pushing back and forth, Chen Jingzong pinned her down firmly.

Both of them were panting. As they panted, Chen Jingzong suddenly kissed her fiercely.

Hua Yang turned her head to dodge, but he held her face in his hands.

He kept kissing her until she stopped moving, then Chen Jingzong raised his head, looked into her wet eyes and asked, “Have you remarried?”

Hua Yang said nothing.

Chen Jingzong smiled, “I knew you couldn’t forget me so quickly.”

Hua Yang: “I just don’t like anyone else. It has nothing to do with whether I couldn’t forget you or not.”

Chen Jingzong: “Then you like me, otherwise why would you marry me again after being reborn?”

Hua Yang sneered, “I was reborn after Father Emperor granted the marriage, but you, weren’t you very stubborn in your last life? Why did you come to see me after you were reborn?”

Chen Jingzong: “Me? I was also reborn after His Majesty granted the marriage. I wanted to break off the engagement, but I was afraid of being beheaded, so I thought about it and gave up.”

Hua Yang: “Really? Since you want to break off the engagement, then why this morning you said that if I told you to go east, you wouldn’t go west?”

Chen Jingzong: “At that time, I didn’t know you were reborn. I thought you were a seventeen-year-old princess, so well-behaved and so soft, willing to give yourself to me so many times last night. How could I, a grown man who has lived two lives, get angry with such a little princess?”

Hua Yang was so embarrassed and angry, she turned her face away and said: “You don’t have to be too proud. I just asked my aunt for medicinal wine because I was afraid of the suffering. If I had known that you were also reborn, you would sleep on the floor last night.”

Chen Jingzong: “That’s fine. I slept like that so many times in my last life. Who is afraid?”

After saying that, he let go of Hua Yang and strode away.

Hua Yang still lying on the bed, her heart was also choked by his words.

It was not until dusk that Chen Jingzong came to the backyard again.

After dark, Chen Jingzong spread the bedding on the ground very skillfully and lay down on it wearing his middle coat.

Hua Yang lay on the bed with her back to him.

The sound of knocking gongs came from the street, and it seemed that the night was getting quieter and quieter.

Hua Yang could hear his long breathing.

“Let me ask you a serious question. What happened to my family after I die?” Chen Jingzong suddenly spoke.

Hua Yang’s tears suddenly fell.

She tried her best to hold back, but Chen Jingzong heard the sound of fabric rustling, sat up suddenly, and turned her around.

Seeing that her eyes were red from crying, Chen Jingzong’s heart sank: “Did something happen to them?”

How could Hua Yang tell him the tragic truth? She choked and shook her head, explaining: “No, it’s just that when the news of your death came back, Father’s hair turned white overnight, and Mother cried her heart out. I feel bad for them.”

Chen Jingzong breathed a sigh of relief, but, how could the old man’s hair turn white overnight?

He was distracted for a while, and then saw her little action of wiping tears to calm down, and asked again: “When I die, did you shed tears for me?”

Hua Yang lowered her eyes.

Chen Jingzong: “You’d better tell the truth. If even my death can’t get you to say something pleasant, then we really can’t live like this.”

Hua Yang had always been eaten soft but not hard. The more Chen Jingzong spoke this way, the less she wanted to say anything nice. She turned around again: “Do as you please. Anyway, this is your home. You can live in the front yard or move to Jinyiwei or Daxing Left Guard, you can come and go as you please.”

Chen Jingzong gritted his teeth at her back: “What’s the use of coming and going as I please? The place I want to live the most, someone won’t let me live there.”

Hua Yang: “That’s because you didn’t take a shower or wash your feet first, of course I will dislike you more and more every day.”

Chen Jingzong: “I took a shower tonight, but the result is still the same, isn’t it?”

Hua Yang: “Why taking a shower? You wanted to break off the engagement, but you’re still thinking about doing that? Chen Jingzong, where’s your backbone?”

Chen Jingzong: “… I said I want to break off the engagement and you believe it? Then should I believe you when you said you remarried a Zhuangyuan?”

Hua Yang: “Yes, I did remarry. Not only did I remarry Zhuangyuan, I also kept two strong lovers. I even asked them to take off their shirts and fight for me…”

“I don’t believe it.”

Chen Jingzong turned her around again and looked at her with a grim face.

Hua Yang pursed her lips tightly.

Her eyes were still red, and her long eyelashes were drooping, cold and aloof.

Chen Jingzong suddenly lost his temper: “Let’s stop arguing. I’ll be honest, I was reborn in Sixth Month. I am spineless. In my last life, you didn’t like me so much, but I still ran to you and defeated so many people in one breath to please you. I know you dislike me for being unrefined. Last night, I washed myself and brushed my teeth before going to see you. Unfortunately, you were drunk and didn’t notice it at all.”

Hua Yang still didn’t speak, but two lines of tears rolled down her cheeks.

Chen Jingzong picked her up and was about to wipe her tears with his sleeves, but she buried her head in his chest and choked up, “When you died, I always regretted why I didn’t treat you better. If I had told you to be careful outside on the day you left, you might not have an accident. You died to serve the court, but I never let you satisfy even for one night…”

“How could it be? I was satisfied a lot of times.” Chen Jingzong interrupted her self-blame with amusement.

Hua Yang didn’t believe it.

Chen Jingzong thought for a moment and gave her an example: ” Being with you, I have indeed always felt unfulfilled, but being satisfied and unfulfilled are two different things. When we’re sitting together eating, even if you ignore me, my heart feels at ease. In Lingzhou, when you were so scared of bugs that you burrowed into my arms, my heart felt at ease. And when you were sick, lying softly in my arms, obediently drinking the medicine I fed you, my heart felt at ease.

“You have never taken the initiative to give me sweetness, but I will find them myself. You definitely don’t know how many times I kissed you secretly when you were asleep.

“Including that thing, although a quarter of an hour is short, I actually…”

“Shut up.”

The author has something to say:

Chen Jingzong: Why do you always interrupt my lines!

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