Reborn After Widowhood

Reborn After Widowhood – Chapter 189

Chapter 189 – Previous Life 1


On the 25th of Twelfth Month, all the officials in the capital had already taken their annual leave.

In Qianqing Palace, Emperor Yuanyou lazily lay on the warm couch by the window, playing with the jade pendant on his waist, looking out the window, it was unknown what he was thinking.

If it weren’t for his right hand moving, if it weren’t for his chest still rising and falling, the young emperor would seemed to have turned into a piece of wood sculpture.

“Your Majesty, Shizi is here.”

“Let him in.”

After a while, someone walked in.

Emperor Yuanyou glanced at him and saw that his cousin Qi Jin was wearing a dark brocade robe today. He had a fair complexion and a handsome face, which was somewhat similar to him.

This was blood relationship, broken bones connected by tendons.

In the past few years, only Qi Jin could let him speak his mind and calm his anger and various irritations.

“How’s my sister?” Emperor Yuanyou asked.

His sister had been ill for more than ten days. He sent the imperial doctor there, and he said that his sister had caught a cold when she went out in the heavy snow. After that, the imperial doctor was still hesitant. Under his questioning, he said that his sister had a heart disease. If she continued to be depressed, even a minor illness like a cold could easily become serious if it delayed for a long time.

Emperor Yuanyou certainly knew his sister’s heart disease. She blamed him for being too cruel to the Chen family.

As Qi Jin said, his sister was also deceived too deeply by Chen Tingjian. Chen Tingjian’s seven major crimes were clearly laid out. Even after finding the evidence, his sister still refused to believe it.

Emperor Yuanyou thought that his sister would figure it out sooner or later.

Until that time, he could not bow to his sister. If he bowed, his sister would not give up and would continue to persuade him to withdraw his decree.

But Emperor Yuanyou was still concerned about his sister’s illness, so he had to ask his grandmother and aunt to visit through Qi Jin, and then Qi Jin would report it.

Qi Jin sighed, “Grandmother said that Grand Princess has lost a lot of weight and still can’t eat well.”

Emperor Yuanyou frowned deeply.

Qi Jin: “If Your Majesty can trust this minister, why don’t this minister give it a try? This minister will explain it to Grand Princess, and maybe she can figure it out.”

Emperor Yuanyou hesitated, but thinking that Qi Jin was their cousin, it would not be considered rude to visit her: “Alright.”

After leaving the palace, Qi Jin went directly to Grand Princess Mansion.

The north wind was howling, but Qi Jin’s heart was burning.

As early as the year when Chen Jingzong died in Baihe Ridge, Qi Jin wanted to get close to Hua Yang, but Chen Tingjian was still fine, and Chen Bozong was also the Deputy Minister of Dali Temple. Once he showed interest in Hua Yang, Chen Tingjian and his son would most likely link Chen Jingzong’s death to him. Therefore, Qi Jin had been lurking until Chen Tingjian died of illness and the Chen family’s building collapsed, and Qi Jin could finally make a move.

Hua Yang was a widow, he was a widower, and they both were still young. Who would get suspicious if they got married in another year or two?

Emperor Yuanyou would not. Hua Yang was a simple person, so she would not. Only his aunt might be suspicious.

But his aunt had been completely alienated by Emperor Yuanyou, and she didn’t dare to get involved in official business anymore. Besides, he was a member of the Qi family after all, and his aunt would never reopen the murder of Chen Jingzong for the Chen family.

What he had to do next was to win Hua Yang’s heart.

Grand Princess Mansion.

Wu Run was in charge of all matters around grand princess.

He politely led Qi Jin to the reception room, and then went to Qifeng Hall to report to the grand princess.

Hua Yang lay on the bed dejectedly. She had to entertain her grandmother and aunt out of courtesy, but Qi Jin must have come to inquire about her situation for her brother, so she didn’t want to see him.

“Tell him to leave.”


Wu Run returned to the reception room, only to say that grand princess had taken medicine and went to bed, and it was not suitable to see guests.

This sounded like a lie. If she really went to bed, Wu Run would have asked him to leave directly.

Qi Jin understood after a little thought. His grandmother and mother had just come. Hua Yang should have guessed that he was going to lobby for Emperor Yuanyou.

“Well, I’ll come to visit Grand Princess another day.”

Qi Jin said goodbye politely.

Wu Run saw him out the door. Looking at Qi Jin’s back as he rode away on horseback, Wu Run frowned.

Qi Jin came two times more before the New Year, but Hua Yang still ordered him to leave. Even when the madam of Marquis Wuqing came again, Hua Yang also refused to see.

Emperor Yuanyou had no choice but to send the imperial doctor again.

This time the imperial doctor was also rejected by the grand princess.

Emperor Yuanyou had a headache. His sister still had such a bad temper. If she couldn’t get what she wanted, she would go on a cold war to the end.

At this time, Emperor Yuanyou had three choices. Either ignore his sister, ask his mother to go visit, or go in person.

Emperor Yuanyou couldn’t do the first choice. After all, he only had this one sister, and she had been bedridden for more than half a month.

The second option, Emperor Yuanyou also gave up. He would not bow to his mother again. A big reason why Chen Tingjian did not regard him as the crown prince was that his mother had been pushing Chen Tingjian to do so. If his mother was willing to love him and restrain Chen Tingjian to change his attitude, Chen Tingjian would not treat him like that.

The day before New Year’s Eve, Emperor Yuanyou left the palace in plain clothing.

He did not need Wu Run to report and went directly to Qifeng Hall. He was the emperor, and even Wu Run did not dare to stop him.

“Sister, you and I are brothers and sisters. Do you have to torture yourself like this for the Chen family, and do you have to alienate me for the Chen family?”

Sitting on the bed, Emperor Yuanyou said helplessly.

Hua Yang looked at her brother calmly: “I am not doing this for the Chen family. I am doing this for the chief minister who has made great contributions to the country. Cabinet Elder Chen has been a cabinet elder for so many years, and only tens of thousands of taels of silver were found in his home, which is already considered incorruptible. Prince Xiang exploited the people and even death would be insufficient punishment. Cabinet Elder Chen is eliminating harm for the people. How can it be considered a false accusation? And…”

Emperor Yuanyou interrupted her coldly: “Greed is greed. According to the laws of this dynasty, officials who embezzle sixty taels of silver will be beheaded, let alone hundreds of thousands of taels?”

Hua Yang laughed angrily at this: “Looking around the world, which official still strictly abides by this set of laws? A small county magistrate in a local area can embezzle thousands of taels, right? If you really hate corrupt officials so much, why don’t you kill all the corrupt officials in the world?”

Emperor Yuanyou’s breathing became heavy!

He came to visit his sister with good intentions, but his sister actually went against him!

“Sister can’t figure it out. I can’t do anything about it. Sister, take good care of yourself, I’m leaving.”

The young emperor stood up with a stern face and strode away.

Hua Yang grabbed the pillow and threw it hard at his back!

After Wu Run sent the emperor back, he was stopped by Chao Yun and the other maids. They pointed at the inner room and then pointed at the eyes, meaning that grand princess was crying.

Wu Run felt very distressed. Grand princess might have already exhausted all her tears this year.

Emperor Yuanyou refused to forgive the Chen family. Wu Run could not help grand princess in this regard. He could only try his best to coax grand princess to eat and coax her to recover.

“If you continue to be ill, if something happens to you, no one in the world will be willing to vindicate Cabinet Elder Chen.”

Hua Yang smiled bitterly: “The imperial edict has been issued, and the charges are clearly listed. It’s impossible to vindicate.”

Wu Run: “But Third Master and the others are still there. You still have to think about them. As long as you’re here, the guards in our mansion can always take care of Third Master and the others. If something happens to you, the guards are all living on salaries, and they will leave.”

Hua Yang suddenly thought of Wan Yi and Wan Qing again, and thought of the delicate Yu Xiu and Luo Yuyan.

They were all exiled, but the situation of these womenfolk was even more dangerous.

“Bring the medicine!”

Grand princess almost gnashed her teeth and said.


In the New Year of the fourth year of Yuanyou, Hua Yang did not enter the palace, but spent it alone in Grand Princess Mansion.

While Grand Princess Mansion was deserted, the capital was very lively. The people only cared about their own lives. Why should they care about the changes in the officials?

On the night of the fifth day, after the people went home, the streets became quiet. A figure in black quietly appeared and shot an arrow at the door of Grand Princess Mansion.

The guards at the gate were startled and ran to look for people, but it was pitch black all around, and they chased for a long distance without seeing the other person’s figure.

As for the arrow, a small bamboo tube for delivering letters was tied to the arrow shaft.

The guard did not dare to open it rashly, and went in to give it to Eunuch Wu.

Wu Run took the arrow and delivered it to grand princess.

“I’ll open it in case the letter is poisoned.” Wu Run said cautiously.

Hua Yang looked at him intently.

The small bamboo tube had no mechanism. It contained a small note that read: “I request a meeting at the second watch tomorrow night. It’s a confidential matter. Please ask Grand Princess to be accommodating.”

Everyone had curiosity, and grand princess was no exception. As long as she was not in danger, she could not refuse this person.

Wu Run made arrangements quickly. The next day, he asked the most trusted guards to keep watch, and arranged a team of loyal guards to guard grand princess.

At the second watch, the man arrived. A short, ordinary-looking man in his thirties, with resolute eyes.

The man said his surname was Han, and his given name was Yi.

Han Yi was only willing to tell his secrets to grand princess, and at most allowed Wu Run to accompany her.

Hua Yang had let the man in, so she had to listen. She ordered the guards to check the man thoroughly, and then tie him tightly to a chair to make sure that he had no chance to suddenly plot against her. Hua Yang kept Wu Run and sent the others to guard the yard.

When everything was silent, Han Yi looked at grand princess opposite him. Suddenly his lips trembled. After failing to hold it back, he shed two lines of tears: “Grand Princess, Prince Consort and Eldest Master, they died so unjustly!”

Hua Yang’s hands and feet went cold, and she stared at this person in a daze.

Han Yi slowly calmed down, looked her straight in the eyes and said, “That year, Prince Consort encountered an ambush by rebels at Baihe Ridge, but that rebel force was too far away from the main force of the rebels, which was unreasonable. Cabinet Elder suspected that there was another hidden story and handed the matter over to Eldest Master to investigate. We investigated for three years, and last summer, this subordinate finally found out about a man named Sun Fu. He was a wounded soldier who retired from the Jinwu Vanguard. From him, this subordinate learned that the night before Prince Consort was killed, Qi Jin left the Jinwu Vanguard alone, found the rebel camp, and shot an arrow in that direction.

“At the same time, while Eldest Master was the prefect of Guangzhou, he also found out about a former rebel soldier named Li Xin who was on guard that night. Li Xin confessed that a bamboo tube was tied to the arrow shot by Qi Jin, and not long after that, the rebels sent 10,000 troops to an unknown place. It must be Qi Jin who tipped off the rebels and let them ambush Prince Consort and Daxing Left Guard at Baihe Ridge.

“It’s just that Cabinet Elder died suddenly, and Eldest Master hurriedly brought people back from Guangzhou. It’s unknown which informant on Eldest Master’s side was too afraid of death and seeing that the Chen family’s big tree had gone, he actually tipped off Qi Jin. Eldest Master had to take charge of the overall situation at the Chen family and had no time to deal with Qi Jin at that time. Unexpectedly His Majesty suddenly investigated the Chen family, and the Jinyiwei arrested Eldest Master and put him in jail. In the past two years, His Majesty has valued Qi Jin more and more. As long as he hinted to the Jinyiwei, the Jinyiwei would naturally find a way to make Eldest Master live a life worse than death.”

At this point, he burst into tears again.

“This subordinate know that the matter has been exposed, and have been hiding from place to place during this period, but this subordinate is unwilling to accept it. Such a good person as Eldest Master should not have died unjustly like this!”

“This subordinate has been secretly observing for a long time, and know that Grand Princess is the only person in the capital who still care for the Chen family. This subordinate can only come to Grand Princess and ask you to clear the name of Prince Consort and Eldest Master!”

Hua Yang couldn’t come back to her senses for a long time.

Qi Jin!

If what Han Yi said was true, Qi Jin not only killed Chen Jingzong who had made great contributions on the battlefield, but even the noble and virtuous Chen Bozong fell at his hands!

Indeed, Chen Bozong was the eldest son of the Chen family, and the Jinyiwei would definitely want to dig out other crimes of her father-in-law from his mouth, but her brother did not want to kill the Chen family, and the Jinyiwei should not be so cruel to Chen Bozong!

“If everything is really as you said, then do you know why Qi Jin wanted to frame Prince Consort?”

Han Yi: “This subordinate can’t be sure, and only have some guesses. Maybe someone wants to stop Cabinet Elder from implementing the new policy. There is no opportunity to threaten Cabinet Elder at ordinary times, so they use Qi Jin to attack Prince Consort on the battlefield. It’s not only a warning to Cabinet Elder, but also a heavy blow to him. Since the death of Prince Consort, Cabinet Elders’s health has become worse than before.”

Hua Yang thought of her father-in-law’s head full of white hair. The father and son always quarrelled when they met, but as a father, how could he really dislike his son?

Wu Run suddenly signal her with his eyes.

Hua Yang took him to the inner room.

Wu Run whispered: “Grand Princess, this servant may have a guess for Qi Jin’s motive for murdering Prince Consort.”

Hua Yang: “Speak.”

Wu Run: “When Grand Princess was thirteen or fourteen years old and had yet developed understanding for love, it seemed that Qi Jin had already developed feelings for you. Niangniang might have noticed it as well, for soon after, Qi Jin married Shizi Madam. However, despite many years of marriage, they had no children, and Shizi Madam eventually died from an uncurable heart disease.”

He lowered his eyes while saying this. After he finished speaking, he waited for a long time, but grand princess still did not respond. Wu Run raised his head worriedly and saw that grand princess’s face was pale and tears kept rolling down.

Wu Run stepped forward, hugged the grand princess like an elder, and said with pity: “Even so, it has nothing to do with you. Everything is Qi Jin’s fault.”

This was the little princess he raised, and Wu Run treated her like his own child. He was forced by power to be respectful to Emperor Yuanyou and Empress Dowager, but in his heart, Wu Run was only loyal to grand princess. If Qi Jin made her suffer any pain, he would never hide anything for Qi Jin’s sake, even if it would offend Empress Dowager.

Hua Yang leaned on Wu Run and cried for a long time.

She had been married to Chen Jingzong for four years, and he had hardly ever seen a kind face from her. Yet, in the end, he lost his life on the battlefield because he was implicated by her?

Why is he so miserable, and how innocent is Chen Bozong!

Hua Yang felt both pain and hatred. She wanted to take that man’s life!

But she still needed to confirm whether Qi Jin really had ulterior motives towards her, and everything was as Wu Run’s guess. But if Qi Jin was trying to harm Chen Jingzong and her father-in-law because of the new policy, then there must be someone else behind Qi Jin, and she needed to plan carefully to find out who those people were.

“Hide Han Yi first, don’t let others find out.”

“Next time people came to visit, I will see them.”


Qi Jin soon learned from her mother that Hua Yang seemed to have recovered her spirits and her cold had also improved. Although she was thin, she had a smile on her face.

After Qi Jin greeted Emperor Yuanyou, he went to Grand Princess Mansion again to pay a visit.

This time, he finally met Hua Yang.

“I was in a bad mood before and didn’t want to pay attention to anyone. I made Cousin run here several times in vain. I’m really ashamed.” Hua Yang smiled and looked at Qi Jin, saying polite words, but there was no shame in her eyes.

But Hua Yang in Qi Jin’s memory should be like this, doing whatever she wanted, following her heart.

“Hope Grand Princess recover well.” Qi Jin smiled warmly, with a bit of pampering.

Hua Yang: “Besides caring about my health, Cousin also wants to lobby for my brother, right?”

Qi Jin smiled bitterly: “Nothing can be hidden from Grand Princess.”

Hua Yang: “Then Cousin, there is no need to speak. I have thought it through. The fate of the Chen family is already determined. I still have to continue my life. There is no need to be estranged from my brother because of the Chen family. Alright, let’s not talk about this. The sun is good today. Cousin, accompany me to visit the garden. I have been cooped in the house for so long, I want to go out and get some fresh air.”

Qi Jin smiled and said, “Yes.”

Except for Wu Run and Chao Yun who followed behind, Hua Yang did not bring anyone else.

There was an artificial hill in grand princess mansion. Next to the pavilion on the top of the hill, there was a red plum and a wintersweet tree. The red plum had not yet reached the flowering season, but the wintersweet had bloomed. The tender yellow flowers on the tree were fresh and beautiful against the blue sky.

Hua Yang stepped onto the stone steps leading to the top of the hill, while Qi Jin fell behind her by one step.

The grand princess wore a red cloak today, with a circle of snow-white fox fur around the collar, supporting a face as beautiful as a peony.

Her lips were also a beautiful and attractive cherry color, as she walked, clouds of white mist were exhaled.

Qi Jin had been dreaming about this day for so long, and today he finally got his wish.

After walking halfway, Hua Yang seemed tired. She looked at the wintersweets on the top of the hill, then looked at Qi Jin, and suddenly smiled and said, “I can’t climb anymore, Cousin, can you carry me on your back?”

Qi Jin was stunned.

Hua Yang snorted, “You don’t want to?”

Qi Jin’s face flushed slightly, and he lowered his eyes and smiled, “Grand Princess has given order, how dare this minister not obey?”

After that, he turned his back and squatted on one knee.

Hua Yang walked over and put her hand on his shoulder.

Qi Jin’s earlobe was stained with a light red.

Men were usually like this in front of the woman they like, right?

Chen Jingzong never blushed. He would only seize every opportunity to coax her to him. Hua Yang couldn’t tell whether that guy liked her or just liked that kind of thing.

It was originally a test, and now that the result was out, Hua Yang retracted her hand.

Qi Jin looked over in confusion.

Hua Yang smiled and said, “Forget it. We’re all grown up. If this gets out, it will ruin Cousin’s reputation.”

Qi Jin was about to say something, but Hua Yang waved to Wu Run behind her, and then asked Wu Run to support her while walking up.

Qi Jin felt lost, but today was a good start, wasn’t it?


Two days later, Hua Yang entered the palace and went directly to Cining Palace where her mother now lived.

In Hua Yang’s memory, her mother had always beautiful and strong, but now she looked ten years older compared to half a year ago, and her eyes no longer had the sharpness of the past.

When Hua Yang arrived, Empress Dowager Qi was reciting scriptures, so Hua Yang sat beside her mother, listening quietly.

After finished reciting, Empress Dowager Qi was helped into the inner room by her daughter.

“Are you well?” Empress Dowager Qi held her daughter’s slender wrist and sighed, “I know you have soft heart, but there are some things we cannot change. Don’t be angry with him and live your life well.”

Hua Yang smiled and said, “Mother Empress doesn’t need to worry. I have thought it through, otherwise I wouldn’t have come over.”

Empress Dowager Qi nodded with relief.

Hua Yang asked the palace servants to leave and quietly asked her mother, “Mother Empress, Cousin has been visiting me quite often recently. Tell me the truth. Did Cousin like me for a long time, but you intervened and forced him to give up this idea?”

Empress Dowager Qi: “Why do you say that?”

Hua Yang: “Just answer me and tell the truth, otherwise I will never enter the palace again.”

Empress Dowager Qi thought that Qi Jin had expressed his feelings to her daughter, and said, “That’s true. Why, do you want to marry him?”

Hua Yang lowered her head to hide the monstrous hatred in her eyes.

Empress Dowager Qi turned the Buddhist beads on her wrist: “I am getting older, and you siblings are becoming more and more opinionated. You may want to listen to me, but I still have to say that Qi Jin is not a good match for you. He is too cold and indifferent. A man who does not cherish women may be gentle and considerate when he likes you, but if something goes wrong, he can become cold towards you as well.”

Hua Yang hugged her mother and said softly: “I understand. This is our private talk, please don’t tell anyone. Also, in my heart, you are the best Empress Dowager and Mother Empress. Even if I hurt your heart one day, please know that it’s not intentional.”

Empress Dowager Qi frowned, always feeling that her daughter was going to do something.

Hua Yang then changed the subject.

After lunch, Hua Yang was about to leave the palace. When she approached the Qianqing Palace, she saw a lonely and thin figure standing in front of her.

Hua Yang wanted to take a detour.

The man chased after her and said unhappily, “How long are you going to be angry with me?”

Hua Yang turned her back to him and sneered, “I dare not. You are the emperor, and I am just an ignorant woman who knows nothing.”

Emperor Yuanyou walked around to his sister.

Hua Yang turned around again, and Emperor Yuanyou walked around again. The siblings walked around like this for countless times. In the end, Hua Yang laughed first and then glared at his brother.

Emperor Yuanyou breathed a sigh of relief, held his sister’s hand, and said flatteringly: “The past is over, we will still be good siblings in the future, right?”

Hua Yang: “I am definitely a good sister. Whether you’d be willing to be a good brother or not depends on you.”

Emperor Yuanyou: “Don’t worry, Sister, I will definitely not make you sad again.”

Hua Yang was dragged by her brother to Qianqing Palace to sit for an hour.

At noon the next day, Grand Princess Mansion sent a little eunuch to Wuqing Marquis Mansion. When he met Qi Jin alone, he said: “Grand Princess ask Shizi to see her later. It’s better to be secretive and don’t let the Old Madam, Lord Marquis, Madam, and people outside know.”

Qi Jin’s heart beat faster: “Do you know why?”

The little eunuch showed a smile that could only be understood but not expressed in words.

Qi Jin understood and said: “Go back and tell Grand Princess that I will immediately go there after tidying up.”

The little eunuch did his job and left with the reward money.

Qi Jin deliberately changed into a tea-white brocade robe. Although he was a military officer, he was full of bookish air, and he looked more handsome in white.

“Where are you going?” the old lady asked meaningfully.

Qi Jin looked calm: “I’m doing an errand for Grand Princess.”

Just now grand princess sent someone over, and his grandmother must know about it.

The old lady could see that her grandson was very proud. At this point, if her grandson could really achieve his wish, she and her daughter in the palace seemed to have no reason to object.

“Go, some things should be done step by step, don’t be too anxious.”


Qi Jin then set off, carefully avoiding pedestrians along the way, and entered the Grand Princess Mansion as promised half an hour later.

Hua Yang entertained him in the warm pavilion.

Chao Yun served tea to Qi Jin.

Hua Yang introduced: “This is my people’s newly brewed flower tea, Cousin, how does it taste?”

She smiled brightly, which was more beautiful than all the famous flowers placed in the warm pavilion. Qi Jin picked up the tea cup and tasted it carefully.

The tea had the sweetness of flowers and a hint of strangeness.

But facing her expectant eyes, Qi Jin could only praise it.

Hua Yang: “Since Cousin likes it, drink more.”

Qi Jin drank two more sips, and then gradually drank up the whole cup as they chatted.

When Qi Jin began to feel sleepy and finally realized that something was wrong, it was too late to do anything.

After an unknown amount of time, Qi Jin woke up and found that he was tied to a pillar in the warm pavilion. His outer robe was taken off, leaving only a white middle coat.

Fortunately, the warm pavilion was warm enough, otherwise he would be frozen to death if he was dressed like this at the beginning of First Month.

With his back to the door, Qi Jin guessed that it was almost noon based on his shadow on the ground.

There were footsteps behind him, and soon, the person he had been thinking about day and night reappeared in front of him.

The person was still the same person, but there was no smile on her face, and there was a dagger in her hand.

Qi Jin’s pupils shrank slightly, he looked at Hua Yang incomprehensibly: “What does Grand Princess mean?”

Hua Yang did not answer.

At this time, Wu Run came in with Chen Bozong’s informant Han Yi and the wounded soldier Sun Fu of the Jinwu Vanguard, and the two of them told separately everything they knew.

Qi Jin only looked at Hua Yang: “Words are unreliable, how can Grand Princess believe their one-sided story?”

Hua Yang: “But I believe it.”

Believed Han Yi’s awe-inspiring righteousness for Chen Bozong, and believed Sun Fu’s pain and resentment for being betrayed by the commander he trusted the most.

After saying that, she unsheathed the dagger and stabbed Qi Jin’s left shoulder without hesitation: “This one is for Chen Bozong.”

For the Zhuangyuan who was as upright and noble as pine and bamboo.

She stabbed Qi Jin’s right shoulder again: “This on is for the more than five thousan soldiers of the Daxing Left Guard who died unjustly.”

For those good men who served the court with burning passion.

Finally, she stabbed Qi Jin’s chest: “This one is for Chen Jingzong.”

For the poor prince consort who never received a response from her even at the time of their parting.

This stab was also the deepest.

It was the first time that grand princess had injured someone, and each of her strikes was not strong enough to injure the vital parts, but these three strikes, each one shattered Qi Jin’s heart, who had come to the meeting with full of joy.

His white clothes were stained with blood, and he just stared at grand princess in disbelief.

Hua Yang asked Wu Run and the other two to leave first. She sat on the chair opposite Qi Jin and looked at him coldly: “Do you want to confess yourself, or do you want me to interrogate you?”

Qi Jin seemed to have finally accepted it all, and responded bitterly: “I didn’t do anything, what can I confess? If Panpan really doesn’t believe me, just kill me.”

Hua Yang smiled: “Don’t worry, I don’t plan to let you leave alive today. I have thought of the reason. You have bad intentions towards me, and I stabbed you with the dagger. In this case, do you think anyone will ask me to pay for your life?”

The author has something to say:

Chen Jingzong: Even more cruel than me!

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5 thoughts on “Reborn After Widowhood – Chapter 189

  1. This is heartbreaking, I will definitely need a wholesome extra after this one to recover T_T Qi Jin is scary!! Even like that he refuses to admit it! But I’m a bit confused, if she knew his true intentions in her previous life does that mean she also knew it when she reincarnated? Jingzong and everyone wanted to shelter her from the actual truth and in throughout the main story it was indicated several times she wasn’t aware…

    1. I wonder if this is an alternate universe past life. I’ve read a few novels that have done this, and it makes more sense since as you said, she wasn’t ever aware of Qi Jin’s role in the main story.

    2. She reincarnated after the Chen family was exiled and the imperial physician checked her health and informed her she had a cold. Therefore, in the second life she didn’t know Qi Jin’s intention towards her. In this extra, she only finds out after she recovers a little and some time has passed.

  2. Thank you for translating this novel. The novels on your site are always an enjoyable read. I’m looking forward to the next chapter.

  3. Confused as to where this fits in with the previous timeline and the reincarnated timeline. If she reincarnated after the exile what’s the difference here that allows her to continue living in order to find out the truth – that she couldn’t or didn’t do before for the same results?

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