Reborn After Widowhood

Reborn After Widowhood – Chapter 188 Part 1

Chapter 188 – Chen Eldest III – Part 1


Yu Xiu fell asleep in Chen Bozong’s arms. Before she fell asleep, Chen Bozong did not take off the red silk covering his eyes.

While sleeping, Yu Xiu felt that someone was hugging her, and that person came to kiss her neck.

Yu Xiu woke up suddenly. The tip of his hair rubbed against her neck and chin, but she didn’t seem to notice.

Yu Xiu didn’t dare to move until a sound came out of her lips.

She was flustered, and he just turned her around and lifted her chin with his hand.

Yu Xiu opened her eyes a bit, but found that under the candlelight, he had taken off the red silk, so she didn’t dare to look at it anymore.

“Still afraid?” Chen Bozong asked.

Yu Xiu nodded absentmindedly.

Chen Bozong: “Take your time, you will get used to it.”

He couldn’t keep covering his eyes forever.

Yu Xiu was already content, because she was sure that he didn’t resist marrying her, and that he was not as cold as he looked, and he was very considerate.

As for other things, maybe all men were like this, otherwise how could there be so many different pictures in the booklet.

The next morning, Yu Xiu was awakened by the maids. Seeing that it was already light outside, Yu Xiu was a little anxious.

The maids smiled and said, “Don’t worry, Eldest Master specifically asked you to sleep a little longer, and it won’t delay the tea ceremony.”

Yu Xiu breathed a sigh of relief.

The maids helped her comb her hair and dress up. Yu Xiu sat in front of the dressing table, looking at herself with her hair tied up like a bride. Thinking of everything she did with Chen Bozong last night, her face turned red again, and there was a surge of sweetness in her heart.

However, when Yu Xiu came to the main hall and shyly looked at her husband sitting on the main seat, she saw that Chen Bozong had turned into the cold and indifferent appearance of his twelve-year-old self in her memory. There was no extra emotion in his eyes when he looked at her. Yu Xiu’s heart sank, and all the sweetness and familiarity disappeared, and she was afraid of him again. It was not because she was afraid that he would beat or scold her, but the fear of a timid person against a strict person.

Chen Bozong seemed to see the seven or eight-year-old Yu Xiu. She was like this every time she saw him. Sometimes when they were far away, she would even pretend not to see him and deliberately take a detour.

Chen Bozong didn’t understand why she was so afraid of him. If it because he was strict, he treated his three younger brothers the same and they didn’t seem to be afraid of him.

Their father was also strict. When the four brothers first arrived at the capital, none of them was as afraid of their father as Yu Xiu.

“Is everything ready?” he asked.

Yu Xiu nodded.

Chen Bozong took her to the old lady to serve tea.

On the way, he introduced to her: “The west courtyard is newly built, do you remember the old house?

Yu Xiu remembered that the Chen house was considered impressive in the village and even in the town, but it was still within the realm of what the villagers could imagine as a good house, especially since Yu Xiu had stayed there before.

Chen Bozong was not good at chatting about family matters. After saying what he needed to say, he concentrated on walking.

Other people’s new wives were dependent on their husbands and were shy with other people, but Yu Xiu was just the opposite. She felt friendly as soon as she saw the kind face of her mother-in-law, Sun shi. Although Chen Yanzong and Chen Xiaozong had grown up, she quickly match the gentle and amiable second brother and the humorous and smiling third brother to her memories. Only the youngest brother-in-law Chen Jingzong had changed the most. Before going to the capital, he was still a little kid who called her big sister obediently, but now he was almost as tall as her, with a slightly stern face.

There was no need to deal with the old lady and the East Courtyard for a long time, so Yu Xiu didn’t care too much.

After serving tea and eating, Sun shi took her daughter-in-law back to Chunhe Hall to reminisce about the past.

“How is it, is the Old One good to you?” Sun shi spoke to her daughter-in-law affectionately.

Yu Xiu blushed and said, “Very good.”

Although Chen Bozong looked cold, he was really good. He would worry about her being thirsty and tired on the road, and would cover his eyes when she was so nervous that she could not breathe.

Sun shi touched her daughter-in-law’s peach-like face and sighed, “The Old One is not bad, but he has a cold temperament. He definitely didn’t learn it from me. Although their father is a strict father, he doesn’t treat me like the Old One. Well, anyway, you just need to remember this and don’t worry about his face. If he wronged you, just tell me, Mom will definitely on your side.”

Yu Xiu smiled: “Don’t worry, Mom, I understand.”

Sun shi said happily: “You call me so sweetly, it’s like having my own daughter.”

Yu Xiu lowered her head shyly.

She stayed with her mother-in-law the whole morning, and only returned to Guanhe Hall with Chen Bozong after lunch.

“I’m going to the study, you can take a rest first.”

Chen Bozong said seriously.

Yu Xiu was looking forward to it.

At night, Chen Bozong came to hug her again, didn’t say anything, kissing for a while, and then it was like that.

Yu Xiu just closed her eyes, like a small peach blossom on the treetop, allowing him, a wandering man, to admire and fiddle with her at will.


The two got married on the eighteen of Tenth Month, lived in the old house for a while, and were going to leave for the capital in early Eleventh Month.

Yu Xiu was very surprised to learn that her youngest brother-in-law would not go back with them.

Chen Bozong frowned slightly: “Don’t worry about him, ten years old is not young, but he is not sensible at all.”

Even his own brother couldn’t control him, so how could Yu Xiu get involved. She was just focused on packing their husband and wife’s stuff.

However, as the departure date approached, Yu Xiu began to sleep uneasily. She was familiar with the Chen family’s old house, but she had no idea about the capital. What she was most afraid of was that she would have to deal with some wives of officials there. She was afraid that she would make mistakes and lose Chen Bozong’s face.

Chen Bozong told her not to worry and just let it go.

This comfort was useless.

Chen Bozong went to find his mother: “When you are free, can you teach A’xiu some etiquette?”

Sun shi raised her eyebrows: “What etiquette? The one where the ladies of noble families don’t show their teeth when they smile or show their feet when they walk?”

Chen Bozong: “No, it doesn’t matter whether she learns those things or not. I just hope she can be more natural and not be afraid or timid when she sees anyone.”

Sun shi: “Do you dislike her?”

His mother actually thought of him like this. Chen Bozong said seriously: “No, I’m just afraid she will feel uncomfortable.”

Every time she lowered her head, she looked scared and wronged. She must be uncomfortable in her heart.

Sun shi snorted, “I think A’xiu is very good. She talked and laughed when she sees me. How can she be unnatural? If she’s afraid of you, that’s your problem. If you love to laugh like the Old Two and Old Three, how can she be afraid of you?”

Chen Bozong was silent.

So, is she only like that in front of him?

Sun shi looked at her son and continued, “Everyone has their own temperament. Sometimes it’s innate, and sometimes it’s influenced by certain experiences. Just like you four brothers. Your parents, people and things around you are the same, but you four have different temperaments. Do I think that the Old Two is the best, so I should let you three learn from him? That makes no sense anywhere.”

“Speaking of A’xiu, her father is lame, and she was teased by other children because of your engagement. In addition, she has a mean aunt by her side. How can you force her to be as tactful and versatile as a lady from a noble family?”

Chen Bozong: “Mother misunderstood, I don’t want to force her…”

Sun shi waved her hand: “I understand what you mean, you want A’xiu to be calm and confident, and be able to deal with anyone with ease. But her temperament has been formed, she is a shy and timid girl. If I really called her over and told her that you can’t do this and you have to change, she would definitely think that I don’t like her, and she would feel very uncomfortable. Besides, how can she not envy the girl who is generous and elegant? Wang xiucai in town also envies your father, but there are some things that can only be envied, not learned.”

Chen Bozong: “Mother is right, Son understands.”

Sun shi: “You really don’t dislike her, do you? Although you two were engaged as children, you have seen each other when you were young. Before coming back, I also asked you. If you want to marry a lady from the capital, I will break up the marriage even if it costs your father’s face, so that you and A’xiu will not become a pair of resentful couples. It’s you who wanted to marry A’xiu, and now that the person has entered the door, you must treat her well.”

Chen Bozong: “What are you thinking, Son is not that kind of person.”

Sun shi: “Anyway, you should be nice to A’xiu. If you dare to bully her, I will take her to our hometown and not go back to the capital with you.”

Chen Bozong regretted coming to his mother to say this.

However, what his mother said before did make sense. She was like this by nature, so why should she change it by force?

Since then, Chen Bozong never said anything about Yu Xiu’s temper.


The First Month of the 21st year of Jingshun.

Chen Bozong, Chen Xiaozong, and Chen Jingzong all came out their mourning period.

The night before removing the mourning clothes, Chen Bozong looked at Yu Xiu with a calm look. On the night the mourning was over, Yu Xiu was sitting in front of the dressing table combing her hair. Chen Bozong came back from the bath and walked behind her. Yu Xiu looked at him in the mirror, but she didn’t expect Chen Bozong to look at her too.

After a short eye contact, Yu Xiu panicked and quickly lowered her eyes.

She spent a little longer than usual combing her hair, then turned off the lights and climbed onto the bed.

Before she could lie down, Chen Bozong pressed on her.

After a year, Yu Xiu couldn’t adapt for a while. Chen Bozong kissed her for a long time, until Yu Xiu felt like her bones were about to melt.

She couldn’t tell which was his true nature, the coldness of the day or the heat of the night.

Yu Xiu only knew that she liked Chen Bozong at night more, liked him to hold her tightly, because only at this time could she feel his love for her.

Chen Bozong would also talk more at night.

“Wan Yi and Dalang has already grown so big, why you still not dare looking at me when I speak?” Chen Bozong asked, holding her hand.

If she behaved like this, he would feel that every night was like their wedding night.

Yu Xiu huddled in his arms, not wanting to answer such questions.

Chen Bozong touched her hair, and after a moment of silence, he said, “The transfer documents from the Ministry of Personnel should be issued soon. I will go to take up the post alone, and you stay to take care of the two elders.”

Yu Xiu was startled, then nodded. He was the eldest son, and she was the eldest daughter-in-law. This was how it should be.

But suddenly, she felt reluctant.

Yu Xiu hugged his waist tightly.

The thirty-year-old Zhuangyuan had broader and stronger shoulders than when he was nineteen, but his waist was still narrow.

Chen Bozong lifted her face.

However, even at this time, she still dared not look at him, and shyly turned her eyes away.

Chen Bozong pressed on her again.

The more shy she was, the more he liked to bully her.

The couple waste no time to get intimate before the upcoming separation, but they did not expect that the old man would order all three sons to take their wives when taking up their posts.

Yu Xiu: …

She secretly looked at her husband and saw that he looked solemn, as if he was blaming himself for not being able to take care of the two elders.

Yu Xiu lowered her eyes to hide the secret joy in her heart.

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