Reborn After Widowhood

Reborn After Widowhood – Chapter 185 Part 2

Chapter 185 – Chen Eldest I – Part 2


Chen Bozong’s face darkened, and he grabbed his third brother’s arm with one hand and covered his mouth with the other hand, and took him to another place to teach him a lesson.

Sun shi: “Alright, don’t worry about them. Let’s go in quickly, clean up and have dinner.”

Chen Bozong and Chen Xiaozong didn’t come until Sun shi and the others had finished washing their hands and sat around the dining table.

Yu Xiu sat next to Sun shi, staring at the place in front of her, not daring to look around.

Sun shi‘s mind was half on this future daughter-in-law, and half on her fourth son who insisted on using chopsticks even though he couldn’t hold it well. She didn’t care about the other three.

At night, Sun shi arranged for Yu Xiu to sleep in the same room with her, since her husband was serving as an official in the capital.


Sun shi knew that Yu Xiu could read and write at home, so she asked her if she wanted to go to the school with her three sons.

Yu Xiu didn’t want to go. She was not familiar with this place, and she wanted to stay with Sun, or…

“I’ll play with Fourth Brother.”

Yu Xiu looked at Chen Jingzong who was clamoring to go outside.

Sun shi smiled and said, “Alright, just walk around the house. There is also a stream in the north, you can go there.”

Chen Jingzong: “Fish!”

Meaning, he wanted to go to the stream!

Yu Xiu led him to the stream, and Sun shi sent a maid to follow.

At school.

While the teacher went to the bathroom, Chen Xiaozong took this opportunity to poke his eldest brother’s arm with a smile: “Eldest Brother, are you happy that Eldest Sister-in-law is living in our house?”

Chen Bozong looked at him coldly.

Chen Xiaozong: “I think Eldest Sister-in-law is pretty. The girls in our town are not as pretty as her. She will be as beautiful as Mom when she grows up.”

Chen Bozong: “Since you know she is your future Eldest Sister-in-law, is it appropriate for you to say such a thing? Not to mention, us brothers are all scholars. You should be well-mannered and observe your etiquette. Don’t look at women casually outside. Whether they are beautiful or ugly has nothing to do with you, and you should not make these comments casually. That is what a dandy does.”

Chen Yanzong nodded: “Eldest Brother is right.”

Chen Xiaozong blinked: “I am still young, there is no need to pay so much attention to the rules.”

Chen Bozong: “Kong Rong gave up his pears at the age of four, and you are already six years old.”

Chen Xiaozong: “Okay, okay, I will listen to you.”

After school in the morning, the three brothers came to see their mother. Chen Bozong first glanced around after coming in.

Chen Xiaozong also took a look and asked: “Mom, where are Fourth Brother and the others?”

Anyway, knowing that she was the eldest sister-in-law, he couldn’t call her big sister.

Sun shi: “They’re by the stream in the north. With the Old Four’s wild nature, he will only come back when he’s hungry, otherwise he’ll stay by the stream all day.”

Chen Bozong: “Fourth Brother is still young, he’ll be fine when he’s older.”

Sun shi: “Well, go and have a look. You can play for another half an hour and then come back.”

The three brothers went to the stream together.

Beside the gurgling stream, Yu Xiu sat tiredly on the stone beach, watching Chen Jingzong squatting on the shore and constantly turning over stones with his little hands.

She didn’t understand what was so fun about turning over stones, nor did she understand why this little brother could still keep turning over the stones when he clearly didn’t find many river crabs.

She wanted to go back, but she promised Aunt Sun that she would play with fourth brother, so how could she give up halfway?

Yu Xiu, who had just been lazy for a while, suddenly found that Chen Bozong and his two brothers were walking towards them.

She felt guilty and hurriedly stood up and squatted next to Chen Jingzong again to help him turn over the stones.

The two-year-old boy didn’t care whether she was there or not, and just turned over his own stones.

“Hey, how come you only caught one river crab?”

There was a small bucket on the shore. Chen Xiaozong came over to take a look and teased his brother.

Chen Jingzong was happy to hear his third brother’s voice. Third brother was the best at catching river crabs. He immediately walked over and grabbed his third brother’s hand and pushed him into the water.

After reading books for a whole morning, Chen Xiaozong also wanted to play. He rolled up his trouser legs, picked up the bucket, and went to the river to look for them.

River crabs like to hide in water grass or muddy banks. Knowing this pattern, they could naturally find them quickly.

In a short while, Chen Xiaozong caught seven or eight small river crabs and brought them to show his brother.

Chen Jingzong sat happily next to the bucket and didn’t allow his third brother to take it away.

Yu Xiu also stood there, looking at Chen Xiaozong with admiration: “Third Brother is really amazing.”

After being praised, Chen Xiaozong worked harder to catch river crabs.

Chen Bozong pursed his lips slightly.

At this time, Chen Jingzong suddenly wiped his face with his dirty little hands, leaving a little mud.

Seeing this, Yu Xiu took out a handkerchief and squatted down to help him wipe it off.

“No need, I’ll do it.”

Chen Bozong blocked her hand, dipped his fingers in the stream water in the bucket, and wiped his brother’s face. Most of the mud had already gone. After wiping it again, it was completely clean, only a few drops of water were left, which were wiped off by Chen Bozong with his sleeves.

Yu Xiu lowered her head and felt that big brother Chen seemed to dislike her very much, which was why he did not allow her to touch the fourth brother.

On the way back, Yu Xiu subconsciously leaned towards Chen Yanzong, who seemed to be the most kind.

Chen Yanzong’s body was weak but he was quite smart. Eldest brother was also a person who valued etiquette so much, so he coughed and found an excuse to talk to third brother.

Yu Xiu thought about it and walked to the maid sent by Aunt Sun.

Chen Bozong, who carried his fourth brother who insisted on being carried when he could walk a mile home, frowned at Yu Xiu’s small back.

In the next few days, as long as Chen Bozong was around, whenever Yu Xiu wanted to take care of Chen Jingzong, he would be interrupted by Chen Bozong.

One day, Chen Bozong asked his second and third brothers to stay at home, and he went to the stream alone to pick up Yu Xiu and his fourth brother to take home.

Then he saw that Yu Xiu was wiping his fourth brother’s face again.

Chen Bozong walked over with a sullen face.

Yu Xiu was scared when she saw him. She just squatted by the stream, lowering her head and turning over stones.

“Come with me, I have something to tell you.”

Chen Bozong asked the maid to take care of his fourth brother, and he said to Yu Xiu with a stern face.

Yu Xiu didn’t want to go, but she didn’t dare to disobey him.

Chen Bozong took Yu Xiu to a distance. Seeing that the maid didn’t look over here, he pursed his lips, looked at Yu Xiu who was much shorter than him and asked: “You should know that you and I are engaged. When you grow up, I will marry you.”

Yu Xiu knew it. She clutched the corner of her clothes and tilted her head to look at the stream. She didn’t understand why big brother Chen said this.

Chen Bozong: “Since you are my wife, how can you touch my brother casually?”

Yu Xiu was only seven years old. Because she was teased a lot, she understood her relationship with Chen Bozong early on, but she was still ignorant of the rest.

She raised her head, and her black and white almond eyes were full of confusion.

For some reason Chen Bozong remembered his third brother’s words. She was really pretty.

But he still had to explain it clearly: “You and I are engaged. Before we get married, you can’t have physical contact with me, let alone touch others?”

Yu Xiu was still at a loss.

Chen Bozong paused and said: “Anyway, remember, you are my fiancée, and you can’t touch other men, especially my brothers.”

This was easy to understand. Yu Xiu remembered it and tried to ask, “If I don’t touch them, will you not hate me?”

Chen Bozong frowned, “When did I hate you?”

Yu Xiu lowered her head, “You never smiled at me, and you were always fierce when you spoke to me.”

Chen Bozong: “… I just abide by the etiquette. Even if you and I are engaged, we should not be too close, otherwise it will ruin your reputation.”

Yu Xiu vaguely understood.

From then on, Yu Xiu almost avoided Chen Yanzong, Chen Xiaozong, and Chen Jingzong. Of course, she did the same to Chen Bozong. The difference was that she avoided those three because of Chen Bozong, but she was really afraid of Chen Bozong. Even her father was not as strict as Chen Bozong!

Half a month later, Father Yu recovered from his illness and brought his wife and son to the Chen family to thank them and take his daughter back.

Chen Jingzong had been calling her big sister for half a month. Now that big sister was leaving, Chen Jingzong was the first to cry.

Chen Yanzong was still smiling, and Chen Xiaozong was also a little reluctant, but he didn’t wail like his two-year-old brother.

Chen Bozong was just like usual, with no extra expression. He treated Zhao shi and Father Yu with respect and courtesy, and looked at Yu Xiu with eyes as indifferent as water.

Yu Xiu was still afraid of him, but when they really had to part, she was actually a little reluctant. As she stood on the carriage, she turned her head and looked back at Chen Bozong.

Chen Bozong clenched his hands.

The carriage then set off.

Chen Xiaozong was the first to tease his brother: “Eldest Sister-in-law is gone, is Eldest Brother upset?”

Chen Bozong covered his brother’s mouth again and took him home to teach him a lesson. In the past, he always reasoned with him, but this time Chen Bozong also slapped his third brother’s butt twice.

After being beaten, Chen Xiaozong ran to his mother to complain.

Sun shi: “You deserve it. You knew your eldest brother was upset, but you had to provoke him.”

Chen Xiaozong: “Is he upset? I think he is the same as usual.”

Sun shi: “He doesn’t show his emotions, but his skills are not good enough. When he hit you, it reveals his flaws.”

Chen Xiaozong was thoughtful.

In the carriage that had already left Shiqiao Town, Father Yu sat upright and listened to his wife asking about his daughter’s living situation in the Chen family.

Zhao shi tactfully asked about her daughter’s relationship with Chen Bozong.

Yu Xiu told the truth, but she concealed the words that Chen Bozong had said to her alone by the river, because Chen Bozong did not allow her to tell others.

Zhao shi looked at her husband with some worry.

Her daughter was young, but Chen Bozong had reached the age of understanding. He was so cold to her daughter, could it be that he did not like her?

Zhao shi was not expecting the young man to have feelings for her seven-year-old daughter, only afraid that Chen Bozong would look down on their family’s situation.

Father Yu only praised Chen Bozong: “This boy is extremely intelligent, calm and introverted, and has the style of his father. He will become a great man in the future.”

He believed that Chen Tingjian was not a treacherous person, and he also believed in his own vision of people.

Zhao shi looked at her daughter. She wasn’t expecting her daughter to soar by following the Chen family. She just hoped that Chen Bozong would not despise her daughter in the future and not let her daughter suffer grievances.

Yu Xiu sat quietly in the carriage. She was only seven years old and didn’t think too much.

It was not until the autumn of her coming of age that Sun shi brought Chen Bozong, Chen Yanzong and Chen Xiaozong back from the capital for the marriage.

Many neighbors came to congratulate her parents.

Yu Xiu hid in the house and heard them say that the nineteen-year-old Chen Bozong had passed the imperial provincial examination, and Uncle Chen had even entered the cabinet. Everyone respected Cabinet Elder Chen.

So, would the eldest son of cabinet elder’s family really like her?

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3 thoughts on “Reborn After Widowhood – Chapter 185 Part 2

  1. Oh. So Chen Bozong is a tsundere. Lol. I was mad at him in the first chaps cause he doesn’t treat his wife good. She was so timid and he doesn’t seem assuring thats why she’s always looking down on herself.

  2. Ah, I feel like I sorta get everyone in the family’s attitude towards Chen Xiaozong now.

    Basically it’s that if 1 is never expressing interest in girls *ever* and 10 is making lewd jokes constantly then Chen Xiaozong was like a 3-4 growing up while his brothers were all 1s*. Resulting in his family thinking that he’s way more lecherous than he actually is.

    *Chen Jingzong’s got that classic ML thing going where he’s a huge pervert but ONLY for MC.

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