Thousand Verdant Mountains

Thousand Verdant Mountains – Chapter 52 Part 1

Chapter 52 Part 1


If anyone were to ask who the busiest person at Yongning mansion had been lately, if Qingtou claimed second place, no one would dare claim first. Every day, as soon as the rooster crows before dawn, he woke up alongside his master. After seeing him off, he ordered others to weed and build paths. To save some money, when there weren’t enough hands, he rolled up his sleeves and did the work himself. He also tended to the young master Ye’s needs and bought daily necessities for her. Yet, he was still not finished. As long as he had a little free time, he couldn’t sit still. He would grab the pickaxe and search and pick in the corners of this house without telling anyone – maybe if he was lucky, he could dig out one or two treasures that the old prince missed. In short, he was always on the move every day, never stood still.

The same was true today.

The young master had been painting in the palace these days, while his master was also stayed in the palace last night. Neither of them came back during the day today. In the afternoon, he suddenly remembered that the soft gauze curtain he bought last time would arrive today, and he made an appointment with the shopkeeper to pick it up. However, he forgot about it in his busy schedule. He put down everything and rushed to the West Market in a hurry. However, as soon as he arrived, he was stopped outside the gate of the West Market by two unfriendly-looking men who looked like guards in plainclothes.

Just like that, Qingtou was almost held hostage, and nervously brought into a narrow road that stretched straight to the north, where not a single person could be seen and only two carriages could drive side by side.

He had been in Chang’an for several months, and he had never known such a street existed. Although it was remote, he could hear some noises from the nearby market outside the high wall. He bravely asked several times, but the other party did not answer, and only urged him to move forward. After walking most of the way, he suddenly remembered that he once heard that there was a road in the capital that could go directly from the south of the city to the imperial palace in the north of the city, which was specially used by the emperor or trusted ministers with special affairs. Only then did he realize that something was wrong.

Sure enough, when he walked along the road and entered another high wall through a small gate, he saw palace walls stretching across the sky and palaces stretching one after another. He knew that this was the imperial palace.

This was supposedly a good thing that he could only dream about before. However, today, when it really happened to him, he was confused and even more frightened. He instinctively knew that what was waiting for him would definitely not be a good thing.

Even so, he lowered his head and dared not look at anything more, and followed a palace eunuch in fear and trepidation. In his heart, he kept encouraging himself, no matter what happened, he must not lose face for his master.

He passed through one gate after another, walked along corridors, and crossed hall after hall, until he was almost dizzy from the winding path. Then, suddenly, the view before him opened up, and he found that he was brought to a place that looked like an imperial garden. Here, fragrant herbs and rare plants filled the air with their soothing aroma. The wind carried the scent of flowers and herbs, fresh and invigorating. The path was lined with blossoms and trees, occasionally revealing delicate pavilions nestled among the foliage. In one area, enclosed by a green hedge, a few white deer and cranes, which were regarded as auspicious signs, walking leisurely.

Qingtou even forgot his fear for a moment.

He previously thought that the places he had been to with Prince Ashina were enough for him to brag about his whole life. Today, he realized that this place was a paradise on earth. He could not help but look around with his eyes wide open. Suddenly, he saw a pond in front of him. At the end of the lotus-filled green water, there was a stone platform like a stone boat, with a waterside pavilion built on top. The windows on all four sides were half-open. When the breeze blew past, he could vaguely see purple gauze fluttering in the window. There must be someone inside.

A palace eunuch standing on the waterside corridor searched him before leading him forward. As he approached, he noticed the intricately carved pillars and walls surrounding the pavilion. The windows had delicate floral patterns, and above the door hung a plaque with characters he couldn’t recognize. Upon entering, he saw a green sandalwood couch with silver inlay at the center. An elderly man, dressed in a pale moon-white robe, was reclining on it, a thin blanket draped over his legs, and his head down reading a scroll. Two pretty little palace maids were kneeling on both sides of the couch, gently massaging his legs. The atmosphere was completely peaceful and serene.

Probably because he heard the footsteps, the old man raised his head. He had kind eyes, a thin face, and a slightly sickly look, which made him look even more amiable. He was obviously a good person at first glance.

The palace eunuch bowed and said softly, “Your Majesty, the people from Pei Mansion has arrived.”

Qingtou had been stunned for a long time, but now he suddenly realized something. His heart was beating so fast that it almost jumped out of his throat, and he hurriedly followed suit and saluted.

No one had ever taught him how to greet the emperor, so he was in a panic and knelt on the ground like a turtle, prostrating himself and kowtowing repeatedly. After he had kowtowed a few times, the emperor’s low and gentle voice rang in his ears, telling him to stand up.

Qingtou didn’t even dare to breathe, so how could he get up immediately? He still lay on the ground, and just raised his eyes cautiously and glanced at the front. He saw that the emperor sitting on the bed seemed to be quite interested in him. The emperor put down the scroll in his hand, got up and sat cross-legged, looking at him. Frightened, he hurriedly lowered his eyes and did not move.

The emperor asked: “Are you Qingtou?”

Qingtou kowtowed like pounding garlic and responded repeatedly.

The emperor laughed and waved his hand, “Don’t be afraid, come here so Zhen can see you more clearly.”

Qingtou felt as if in a dream. Seeing that the emperor seemed to be serious, he used his hands and feet to crawl to the front of the silver flat couch, knelt on a mat in front of it, next to the couch.

“Look up.”

Qingtou raised his head anxiously as he was told. He saw the emperor looking at him for a few times, nodded, and said to himself, “Sure enough, looks smart and well-behaved. One can tell at first glance that it’s a good kid.”

Qingtou had never dreamed of such a scene. He was so excited that his blood boiled. He stammered, “Your Majesty, how did you know about the lowly one?”

His appearance made the maids laugh so hard that they covered their mouths and giggled. Qingtou blushed. The emperor frowned slightly, and the maids hurriedly stopped laughing.

The emperor did not answer, and only ordered the maid to fetch some cakes. The two complied, stood up and walked out quickly, and soon brought back a black lacquer food tray with a silver water pitcher on it, and it was filled with all kinds of exquisite cakes, all in the style of the palace, arranged in the shape of flowers, and placed in exquisite small ivory plates, which looked very beautiful.

The little palace maid placed the food tray in front of Qingtou. The emperor waved his hand, and the two of them bowed and left, closing the door of the water pavilion. Only the emperor and Qingtou were left inside.

“Eat!” said the emperor with a smile.

Qingtou swallowed his saliva and dared not move.

The emperor took a piece of cake and handed it to him personally. Qingtou hurriedly took it with both hands, looked at the emperor’s expression and took a bite, then heard the emperor say: “Zhen called you here today because Zhen want to ask you about Young Master Ye who lives in your master’s house.”

When Qingtou heard the words “Young Master Ye”, he was immediately startled.

Miss Ye was obviously a beautiful girl, but she disguised herself as a man and entered the palace to work as a painter. If this matter were known to others, she would be charged with the crime of deceiving the emperor, and not only would she lose her head, but his master would also be implicated.

“Your, Your Majesty, what do you want to ask about her…? The lowly one is really stupid and dumb, really doesn’t know anything… the lowly one always scolded by Master, and he even wants to drive me away…”

Qingtou swallowed the pastry in his mouth with difficulty and stammered. After he finished speaking, he shrank his neck and dared not move.

The emperor smiled and said, “That’s because your master doesn’t know how good you are. Your old master Pei Ji is different. He wrote to Zhen and specifically mentioned you, saying that although you are young, you are capable and loyal.”

Qingtou was both surprised and terrified. He looked up and stammered, “Lord Pei… actually mentioned the lowly one to Your Majesty?”

The emperor nodded: “Not only that. He also knows that sooner or later, Young Master Ye’s affairs will be exposed. It’s better for him to personally report the matter to Zhen, lest it would be bad if someone else tells Zhen about it in the future.”

Qingtou was surprised to hear this. When the emperor finished speaking, he flipped through the pile of books and memorials on the couch, took out one of them, put it on the edge of the couch, and tapped the words on the lower left corner of the cover of the memorial: “Do you recognize the name of your old master?”

Qingtou didn’t know many words, but because he used to help Pei Ji do errands like delivering and receiving letters, he naturally recognized his master’s name. He leaned forward to take a look and found that it was indeed his old master.

Zhen has read the memorial and although Zhen is shocked by this matter, Zhen will not blame you, let alone pursue the matter. Firstly, it is pardonable. Secondly, your old master is loyal and brave. He trusts Zhen and is willing to confess his crime and tell the truth. As a monarch, how can Zhen not be so tolerant?”

Qingtou no longer had any doubts and was full of gratitude. He prostrated himself once again: “The lowly one thanks Your Majesty on behalf of Lord Pei, Master, and Young Master Ye – no, Miss Ye! Your Majesty is wise! May Your Majesty’s life be as long as the heavens, with endless longevity! Long live Your Majesty! Long live, long live, long live for ten thousand years!”

The emperor’s hand trembled, and a shadow of extreme surprise flashed across his face. He stared at Qingtou who was kowtowing, motionless.

Qingtou finished saying all the good words he knew to praise the emperor, and raised his head happily. Seeing that the emperor was silent, his eyes were wide open, and his expression was strange, he waited for a moment and couldn’t help asking, “Your Majesty called the lowly one to come here today, do you have something else to ask?”

As if awakened by him, the emperor moved his body stiffly, looking a little unsteady. He supported himself on the couch with one arm and leaned back.

Qingtou was very clever. Seeing this, he quickly got up from the ground, supported the emperor, and helped him half lean down.

“Pour Zhen a cup of water. Zhen is thirsty.”

The emperor faced inward, his eyes half open and half closed, his face pale, and he spoke in a low voice.

Qingtou felt that he seemed to have a sudden attack of illness, so he hurriedly picked up the water pitcher on the table, poured out a cup of warm water, held it to the emperor’s mouth, fed him to drink slowly, and asked anxiously: “Your Majesty, do you want the lowly one to call people in?”

The emperor shook his head, closed his eyes for a moment, and then opened them again. His complexion seemed to have recovered a little, and a smile appeared on his face.

Zhen is fine. You sit down. Don’t be restrained. Do as you would at home.”

Qingtou let out a long sigh of relief, sighed, and sat back on the mat.

The emperor also sat up again at this time.

“Your master is a rare talent among the younger generation. Zhen admire him very much and want to promote him. Not to mention, he is so affectionate and righteous towards Miss Ye. Zhen really didn’t misunderstand him and was very pleased. But now Zhen is a little worried about how to reward him. You tell first, how did he recognize Miss Ye?”

Qingtou was delighted to hear that. He picked up the half-eaten cake and took a bite. “This is a long story! At the beginning of the year, Lord Pei suddenly brought people home. It was actually Miss Ye. She was disguised as a man, and it wasn’t after she arrived at our house that the lowly one found out that Lord Pei had arranged a marriage for Master and Miss Ye. She had come to get married!”

The emperor’s face twitched, “Get married?”

“Yes! But later, the marriage fell through, and Master seemed to accept her as his sister. Later, she left without saying goodbye. Oh, Master had a hard time finding her—”

The emperor still looked a little dizzy. He closed his eyes and said, “Don’t rush. Drink some water and start from the beginning. Tell Zhen everything, one by one, no matter how big or small it is.”


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